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Daily Archives: December 14, 2017

Patterns in the Word

Here is a neat pattern in the word. Think of the body of the believer being the temple of the Holy Spirit. We all know that the Temple and it’s pattern and implements and very existence for that matter is a picture of the heart of man redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Now think of the parables and exhortations in the New Testament where we are advised to “come up to a higher room”. We are given this idiom as a picture of going higher with God in the knowledge of God or, of growing spiritually; ie. becoming more like Christ.
Well, if we look at the very clear pattern for the temple in Ezekiel for example, we see that the side rooms, or chambers, were stacked one upon another winding upward.
How amazing is this since we know that these chambers picture the hidden chambers of the heart of man and Jesus’ cleansing work in the heart of the redeemed.
Just thought I’d share.