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Daily Archives: March 26, 2018

Sowing discord among the brethren

There is a major principle that God set in motion and it remains in motion, no matter what, and applies to all people and not just to believers…as some of God’s principles do apply only to believers.

We reap what we sow. Period. This is first a glorious promise and then a fearsome one. It’s glorious if we sow godliness and fearsome if we sow ungodliness.

I have observed something. The most important thing a matriarch or patriarch can do for their family, after leading them to Christ and then moment by moment looking and living like Him, is to never sow discord within the family.

Families who are divided, are for one reason… the leader gossips about everyone to everyone else. It may seem innocent to some, but it’s not. It is an ungodly thing to do and it sets up an inevitable reaping within the family.

Now trouble comes and trials come. But we can still know peace through them if we do not sow discord.

The leader who talks in any way behind the backs of any other family member, is sowing discord and will reap division and resentment within the family…discord.
Now there are situations where something needs to be said to intervene or to help but never to “vent”. How do you know which is which? God will help you discern. How about this: is your family at peace? Then all is well. Discord? Examine your ways and correct. Do you want peace? Pursue righteousness. Look: “ Righteousness and peace have kissed” (Psalm 85:10). The righteous know peace.

The leader who lives godly and keeps his or her mouth shut unless he or she has something godly and productive to say, will reap unity and a very strong and fulfilling family life. Period.

It really is that simple and it is a spiritual thing. If any family has discord running through it and division, look to the mother of father. If they gossip then they divide the family. If they don’t, then there will be peace and unity. There are no exceptions and no variations.

We reap what we sow, more than we sow and later than we sow (Charles Stanley, but this is in the word everywhere).

So take a look at your family as a leader and see how well you’ve done in your immediate family. How do your members get along? It’ll be directly proportionate to what comes out of the mother’s and father’s mouth. Test it to see. Stop gossiping. It is an abominable trait for anyone. God hates it. Give it a try and see if your family doesn’t start loving each other more and getting along better.
Look at what love does: love, among so many other wonderful things is long-suffering, thinks no evil. So this is the true meaning of this curious scripture that is also another principle that God has set in motion for all people, not just believers. Love covers a multitude of sins. So instead of gossiping, we need to suffer long, and let love cover a multitude of sins. Peace.

Make it a habit and then a lifestyle and then a personality trait. Imagine no evil, speak no evil. Reap peace and unity.

If we have any issue to discuss that berates another then take it to God. Speak freely with Him. But He has little tolerance for the gossip thing. He will tell you He’s heard enough.

There is never a need to talk about another behind their backs. Never. It is a very carnal and wicked thing to do yet our society relishes it. Maybe that’s why we are all in such a state.

Let’s clean up our thoughts. If there is an issue then have grace and patience. If you have an issue with a member then pray and at the very last, go to them. Don’t go to their brother. Go to them. If you have gone to them because it was absolutely necessary to, and they did not listen, then it’s time to go to another believer, but only to take that other believer to the person. Speak honestly and graciously to the “offender” and help them resolve it. Maybe you are the offender!! This is what God says to do.

The beauty of the sowing and reaping principle is that it is immediate in cases like this. It is so powerful that you will notice peace and healing immediately within the family.

Mother, father, I’m sorry, if there is division in your family, it’s your fault. Change your ways today because God is all about redeeming and restoring that which was lost. People are uniquely resilient and heal fast in christ, and if they are saved, then are so willing to forgive.

At all costs, stop sowing discord among the brethren. Toughen up and go to the person privately or keep your mouth shut. These are your choices.

Have you done well here? Good for you! Now, go do better. We can always do better.

Richness and rewards await the obedient in Christ!

Bless His holy name!