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Daily Archives: August 11, 2018

Are all Babies saved? No!

I want to add this thought, as it is critical to our understanding salvation. A baby who is born IS written in the Book of Life but the baby is lost until he is old enough to repent of sin and receive Christ as savior. His name then, will not be blotted out of the Lamb’s Book of Life. Hitler was ALWAYS lost; even as a precious little baby. If he was baptized as an infant then his parents were doing a meaningless thing. Salvation comes to one old enough to understand he is a sinner, repent and receive Christ in his heart. Baptism ALWAYS follows and has no power in an of itself. It is like a married person wearing a wedding ring. Baptism is an outward proclamation that an inward birth has occurred. Paul explains this when he speaks of Esau and Jacob being who they were before conception. Any pastor or church baptizing a baby does not understand the gospel, but follows another gospel. If he does not understand salvation, then how can he teach it???

This misunderstanding is the cause, some of the time, for a person baptizing a baby…and “Christening” is the same thing, called by a different name). They believe all babies are saved. The scripture in Romans eliminates that possibility. Hitler was a sweet baby but Hitler was never saved…whether he was baptized or not.

Interestingly, a critical scripture in Acts 8 is present only in the Word for Word translations of the Bible and is completely omitted from the paraphrased versions that most believers read. Philip tells the eunuch who has just received Christ by faith after hearing and believing the gospel, that only if he believes with all his heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, then, he can be baptized. Interesting.

So many overlook this huge problem and say it is no big deal. But it is the mark of a false church. If the foundation upon which we build a house is not the rock, then it will crash down. If a church is built on a false truth and does not even understand the elementary principals of Christ, it is not a true church.

The more outward symbols and rituals and icons that are present, the more likely the Spirit is absent, or at best quenched. The true believer is known by the fruit of the Spirit and not by any outward item or symbol or ritual. The hunger for the Spirit, if a soul resists Him, will try to satisfy that hunger, if they are disobedient, by visible, tangible THINGS, rituals, chantings and recitations.

St John of the Cross, wrote about a young monk who thought he could get saved and holy by clinging to his icons, by afflicting his flesh, etc. He boldly snatched the young man’s icon (whatever it was, cross, rosary, relic, or any symbol) out of his hand and told him if he ever wanted to know God, he would not find Him there.

Be blessed and have a great day,