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Daily Archives: October 2, 2018

Women teaching men in church setting

Hey. I just thought I’d compile a list that orders this concept taught in the word so it can give you better understanding of it and the ability to peak well on it.

The first thing is to look at the churches of today to see what happens to churches who do let women teach men. Every single one of them is in apostasy. They all do these things:

1-baptize babies which says in the very act of doing it that we do not come to salvation by faith through grace but by the work of baptism…this is a false gospel.
2- ordain homosexual pastors and accept homosexual behavior, agree with homosexual unions.
3- have adopted every doctrine of demons out there. They have disobeyed God so they have no understanding of doctrine and twist it to fit their needs. Jen told the church to work leaven into the lump which the Bible says is always in every instance sin (a little leaven leavens the whole lump).
4-they have become a social justice organization focused on man’s wants and needs and have ignored the word of God. So man has become the idol and has replaced God.
5-they are pro-abortion. the UMC is pro-abortion, read their bylaws.
6-they affirm sinful living and do not regard the holiness of God.

Take a look at the denominations who have started with women teaching and see the downward spiral.

Read all the scriptures where Paul addresses women teaching men in the church and come to a consensus of what God says about it.

Paul uses hyperbole to a degree when he says women are to keep silent in church and ask their husbands when they get home. We see this all through the word. When God really wants to emphasize a critical doctrine, He exaggerates it to drive home the importance of it. For example: He said He would completely destroy Israel because of her sin against Him. In the next breath He says…not really. But I will discipline her severely. He does it to show how great the offense is. So does He mind if a women speaks in church? No, if it is not in an authoritative and teaching capacity over men. This does not mean that in a group of believers studying together that a woman can’t speak. God is reasonable. But it does mean that she is not to be a mouthy broad, bossing and usurping and annoying and causing trouble. If she is a prophet and God gives her a word to speak then she is to speak it, but in order, simplicity, humility and gentleness with all submission, careful to not be manly.

Jesus warned that religious people adhere to the letter but miss the heart of the word. We get the heart of this issue by knowing all God has said, putting it together, being reasonable but not compromising and letting the truth emerge.

Why can’t women teach men in a church setting or even in a Bible study? Her is why according to God Himself:

The man was not deceived. The woman was deceived. Period. Women, in these earthy bodies, are more susceptible to being deceived by Satan. That is why in every church where they have led men, Satan has come in and has deceived them just as promised.

Only Adam and the angels are direct creations of God…called sons of God. Every single human after him is an indirect creation, that is, pro-created or begotten of woman.

That is our first birth in the flesh, which is dead spiritually. In order for us to be able to be called the sons of God we have to be born again. This means that there is a spiritual birth, now a direct creation of God. So born once in the flesh, we are dead and in need of the direct creation of God. Until this happens we cannot know Him and cannot understand His word. His word is spiritually understood. That is why the ones who argue with it and cannot receive it, show that they have not been born of God but of the flesh…spiritually dead. The born again believer receives His word…he is now able to become a son of God directly.

The first Adam could only beget flesh. The Last Adam (Jesus) begets of the Spirit. In other words…He corrected the sin and brings forth a new birth that recreates fallen man in His image. He accomplished the correction on the cross.

Now Eve was never intended to be a direct creation of God. This is why women can’t teach men. She was made from Adam!!! There is something in God’s order that has to be respected, even if we do not understand it. We show a rebellious heart at its core when we overrule God and go our own way. Instead, we should submit to what He has said knowing He is perfect and wait for Him to explain it. “God said it so it is right and good and He will explain it to me and only good can come from it”. A true child of God will say that. A rebel will not.

Now to disobey this commandment of Christ’s that no women teach men in the church is to mess with God’s creation order. Adam is a picture of God. Eve is a picture of the church. For women to usurp men in the church is as offensive to God as the church usurping God. In other words, it is the same offense as man placing himself in God’s position and placing God in the submissive position. It is gender confusion, which is Satan’s favorite scheme. And gender confusion is Satan’s thumbing his nose at God’s order.

God has created the husband wife relationship within mankind in order to depict the spiritual relationship between God and man. He uses patterns and pictures and structures to teach profound truth. Satan likes to confuse it and distort it. Likewise, Satan confuses male and female roles in the church and society all for the same reason.

So women teaching men in the church reforms Gods order. It becomes a picture then of the church teaching Christ. It is backward and a deadly offense.

The beauty is that women have been given such honor by God. The one thing alone they cant do is teach men in a church setting, that’s all. He has actually bestowed tremendous honor upon women in that she is the one to bring forth life, not the man. Paul even emphasizes this. She can lead the greatest army in the world in battle and win as Deborah did. God is so good.

So the beauty of our redemptive God is this: since the woman was the entry point of sin into the world. God’s mercy has chosen the very source of the sin entry to be the very source then of the entry of salvation. Messiah was born of a woman!!!!!!!! So She, woman, births the Messiah who saves the world and corrects the fall of man.

GOD IS AMAZING!!! Pass it on!

I love you both so much.