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Daily Archives: February 26, 2019

Generational Curse

Today at 5:06 AM  Beware of the false teaching in the church today concerning generational curses.  Satan has implemented this false doctrine to detract the individual from the truth that personal sin is our problem and not a generational curse.  Satan’s newest campaign against the word of God is to remove the notion of sin entirely.  He is even promoting a sinless gospel.  “Just come to Christ because He does good things and is wise”.  But we are to come to Christ in repentance of sin, in order to receive the gift of salvation.  Ezekiel 18:1-20 is critical.  God says that there is a lying teaching that says a father eats sour grapes and his son’s teeth are set on edge.  He says it is a lie.  He goes into great detail to say, “the soul that sins, it shall die.”  In other words, each man is responsible for HIS sin, not his father’s.  God even reiterates it by explaining that a son who sees his father committing sin, sees that it is bad, determines to not do what his father did, he shall live, meaning not be guilty and therefore not suffer the consequences of his father’s sin. We can suffer for someone else’s sin (if my brother is in prison for his sin, I suffer because I love him, etc.) in a way, but we do not suffer the consequences of something we did not do.  Proponents of this teaching will cite the Lord warning that He will visit punishment to the fourth generation.  But the difference is that this was a judgment and not a curse.  We cannot pray God’s determined judgment away.    This generational curse teaching says that there can be a sin of generations gone by that can wreak havoc in a life connected to that family.  They say in order to remove the trouble, you have to break the curse.  This is found nowhere in the Bible and is nothing more than WITCHCRAFT and SUPERSTITION.  We can teach our children to do as we do and they learn by example, but this is not a curse. We can suffer as children from a sinful home but Jesus comes in and changes everything if we let Him.  Salvation brings newness, not the imagined breaking of some curse.  God goes to great lengths to explain that each man is responsible for his own sin.  A man reaps what HE sows, not what his father sowed.