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Daily Archives: April 1, 2019


Good morning all.  I have a thought to pose to anyone who is interested today.  I just want to lay out the facts about easter and Passover. Easter was not celebrated in the church of the apostles.  They kept the Passover.  It wasn’t until 3rd century that a schism in the church created a complicated season called easter…never ordered by God.There were some in the church who hated Jews so they made up a whole series of events using 40 days and all sorts of other days so that the celebration of the resurrection of Christ would never fall on Passover. Isn’t it strange that we would not celebrate the resurrection of Christ on the exact day He was crucified…the 14th of Nissan, then being resurrected on the 17th of Nissan? Instead, for almost 2000 years, the church celebrates His resurrection on a pagan holiday that was started to worship the goddess of fertility…hence the bunnies and eggs, and celebration  of spring.  But we let the actual day go by unnoticed.  I think Satan laughs at this. We are not required to keep any day or any feast whatsoever but what a joy it is to celebrate Passover.  Paul did in Acts, as did the rest of the church. The entire meal teaches His death burial resurrection ascension and return in Glory. How many Jews would come to Christ is they could share their Passover with Christians who could show them Christ in ever step of it.  “Who will go for us?” Chuck Missler has a very understandable time line showing us that the “Last Supper” so to speak, was a Passover held on Passover.  The Jewish day is reckoned from sundown to sundown. He shows us how He had to be in the earth 3 days AND nights, because He said He would be.  That means He could not have been crucified on Friday but Thursday.  It goes by unnoticed by anyone.  So sad. I’ll search my emails to find the list and pass that on. Now here is where I risk pushing the envelope a bit far but I am going to take the risk based on the fact that it is what the Bible says therefore I am just repeating it for edification and wisdom.  It is so often painful to step higher in God’s truth…so here goes: All through the Word we see that idol worship is brought in by women, not men.  It is also maintained and tightly held by women and not men.  Ecclessiates tells us a truth that I read when I first started following Jesus and instead of getting angry at it, I resolved not to be one of these…a silly woman.  Not my words, God’s. “I have  found one man in a thousand who is wise, and not even a single woman. ” This doesn’t have to be. This is of course hyperbole in order to emphasize a critical truth…there are many wise women…aren’t there???? I haven’t run into a single man who is perturbed by this truth, and is not ready to drop the pagan celebration without another thought.  It is always the women.   We see many noble women in the word.  They all follow God regardless of the cost.  I want to see that in our day.  Yet I don’t see a single woman leading in this way, nor do I see a man leading who will cross the women to do it.  Women hold to traditions of men very strongly because of the sentiment that is attached.  Here is one area where we can do the reverse of what Eve did, we can not take to the fruit, even though it looks delicious and is pleasant. Anyway, this will be the 5th or so Passover my family has celebrated.  It is a wonderful thing to do and done on the day He was crucified, looking forward to the 17th when He rose.  I hope you all will try it. There are increasing numbers of the body who do know this and a few are speaking out but not strongly enough.  They do not want to upset the apple cart…but that is my specialty.  But I do it with fervent love for the body and for no other reason.  It takes a bit of craziness to do it.  “Here I am Lord, send me”. So many want to be sent of the Lord but we never see that His sending is easy or pleasant at first.  It is always to puncture an illusion first.  I believe there is a element of His glory that has been withheld because of many reasons but the two largest are our clinging to Christmas and Easter.  I long for the day when they are history..if only. Very much love and peace!  Passover begins on the 15th at sundown.  In my house the sun sets brilliantly through the windows to the west as we begin our Passover meal, the Lamb slain for the sins of the world.  It is a magnificent event.  I pray you each will know it!God bless!Cheryl