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Daily Archives: October 5, 2019

Who Will Live in the New Jerusalem?

Let’s look. It’s sloppy to say that all believers will live there. The scriptures don’t teach that in my estimation.

It has been presumptuous teaching and I will even say lazy teaching on the part of even some of the very best teachers, to say that all believers will dwell with God in the New Jerusalem in eternity. Only the inner circle of single minded believers will dwell there and reign with God IN His throne. Lukewarm believers, double minded believers, who remain such until death or rapture, will dwell on the New Earth. We see both in eternity.

The whole word gives us glimmers of this truth but it is stated outright in Psalm 15, then only continues to be stated as the word of God progress’s from there. As with all precious truths of God, the pearls of great price, the treasures hidden in a field, they have to be deeply sought to know, and to see them tucked away in scripture.

What incentive this is to die to self and all the self willed ways of my natural heart! Quite an incentive indeed! Now it is not a reward for some talent or skill or ability that I have, or given as a self glorifying trophy. It’s quite the opposite. Dwelling with God on His Holy Hill, as Psalm 15 says, or dwelling with Him in His tabernacle, as Song of Solomon says, or drawing near to God as Ezekiel says, is a reward for being transformed by the renewing of our minds and offering ourselves as a living sacrifice unto God which is our spiritual act of worship ( Romans 12).

It is a reward for submission and not a reward for skill in a contest. Anyone can submit. It is equally difficult for every person but equally simple if we obey God. Obeying God is a decision. It is a place of the heart. If your heart is self willed and self adoring then you will not do this. Submission is God’s will for you. It is God’s will for all the sheep.

What is God’s will for the believer? Pay close attention to what Paul says in 1 Thess. 4:3, 5:23. …For this is the will of God, your sanctification” , “…And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and your WHOLE spirit, soul and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

The sanctified will dwell in the New Jerusalem.

God doesn’t have this will for unbelievers, it’s impossible. So a believer can obey or disobey. They are saved, just not sanctified. Rebellious. Idol worshippers. Can a believer have idols? Oh my yes! Are you superstitious? Are you greedy? Idols. Are you afraid and rely on money? Idols. Do you covet, or is He your all in all?

These who remain self-willed, will dwell on the new earth. They are earthy. Fleshly. Driven by emotion and sensuality…satisfying the senses and not the spirit within. They cannot reign in heaven, they cannot be trusted to reign. They cannot draw near to God, they have preferred idols at some point. They made their selection while on earth and chose the lesser things. In Gods house are vessels for honor and vessels for dishonor (2 Timothy 2). Paul says if we will be sanctified, we will be vessels of honor and fit for all sorts of good works.

There are those who DO arrive in Heaven, but send no rewards, or few rewards ahead of them.

The righteous, the transformed by the renewed mind ( Mind of Christ), have their works that follow them into Heaven. They rule and reign with Jesus forever. They are God’s confidants. He knows them intimately. He confides in them. Why? They have His Mind. How did they get His Mind? They obeyed Him and He gave it to them.

He is trying to give you His Mind today if you have believed. Will you take it? It costs everything you have. It will cost you yourself. Will you pay the price for the hidden treasure? You have to buy the whole field. You have to go sell all you have. and this has nothing to do with your money or possessions, for God says we possess nothing; all is His.

The only thing you do possess is your heart and your will. Very few will pay that. Very, very few. Now you know. What will you do?

More next time on scriptures which all teach this.

Love, in Jesus’ name,
