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Daily Archives: November 18, 2019

The Keys of the Kingdom

Who has them? Jesus does. Who else? To whom soever He gives them. To whom does He give them? He gives them to those He can trust with them…the inner circle. A mature believer has the keys if He has given them to him.

Who is the mature believer? He is sanctified. God has sanctified him and He has told him so. This is the believer who God sends out and has power over sickness and unclean spirits. He has the power given to him by God to bind on earth and in Heaven what he sees fit. He has the power given by God to retain or remit sins…all as God’s ambassador.

He operates with the full mind of Christ and at all times. He is a doer if the word and not a hearer only.

The fervent and effective prayers of the faithful avail much.

Bless Him for such goodness that He would welcome to His table all who will come.
