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Daily Archives: November 18, 2019

Remembering the Light, When Darkness Comes

I remember once a long time ago in a women’s Bible study, a sweet young girl said something so profound to our group that it made an impression, and I have found myself using this truth time and again.

You might be in a dark time, and you might just be in the blues, but in both situations the same truth applies.

Remember how it was in the light, go back there in your heart and mind in order to be refreshed and to gain a true perspective. A true perspective for the believer is always light, and bright light at that.

My husband was telling me about a story he heard on TV and it was bringing him to tears. It was hurting my heart too until I went to Jesus with it and got His viewpoint and immediately the agony of heart left.

David called this “encouraging yourself in the Lord”. We do this by remembering His faithfulness in the past. If I am sitting on a boring day, stuck in one place and having a particularly lonely time, many sad thoughts flooding my mind, I have learned to stop and go back to where I know the Light is. It always re adjusts my thinking and I am out of the blue funk in a blink, and able to deal with the blue time in a real way…fleeting and temporary.

My favorite day of the week is Monday. Here’s why: I love the routine and comfort of my ordinary life. I’m not that fond of weekends really and especially dislike holidays except for Passover, Thanksgiving and birthdays and anniversaries. Weekends tend to be too loose, a little boring unless there is a project going on, and can just be kind of blah if I know there are people in my life who are alone on these days and possibly sad and I can’t really do that much to help.

Monday is wonderful because the world starts up again and things are moving and things are getting done. For me, I either will have an appointment with a customer, then make my way back home to sew for a few hours, or I’ll stop by my daughters house to watch the grandchildren awhile while she sews a bit, and then make my way home.

While I sew I turn on my favorite Bible teachers and listen to fantastic teaching and news while I sew. Usually around 3-4 my husband calls and says he will be home soon and we go grab coffee and maybe look at some potential property to buy, and pay the kids a visit. Back home after that, and it’s time to make supper and settle in for the night. It’s a dreamy life for me and I treasure every second of it.

So on a blue day, for whatever reason it’s blue, I will go back to Monday in my mind when I am at my sewing machine with my teaching playing and then coffee with my husband. This is light to me. It is all filled with God’s presence and His goodness, and hope abounds, and eternity is within reach in my minds eye. Pure joy.

When all is light, perspective is clear and true. For the believer, it is filled with expectation of eternity with God, and it’s right around the corner, and it is what my heart longs for. It is New Jerusalem coming, and soon, and it’s where all is right, well, eternally well and is where my heart belongs.

Remember the Light. When darkness comes in any degree, remember the Light.
