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Daily Archives: November 22, 2019

Until A Person Is Aware of and Burdened By Their Own Wickedness, There Has Been No Repentance, And No Repentance Means No Salvation

A prerequisite for new birth in Christ, salvation, there must be repentance. There is no repentance until there has been a recognition of my own sinfulness, and desperate need for God.

So few are saved. So few know they are unworthy. So many think their good works make them fit for the Kingdom of God. Jesus has told us in many ways this truth yet so few know it.

Good works are a dime a dozen yet dead works, because they are done with a heart of flesh.

True repentance is easy to spot. It has so mutilated a heart of flesh, that all that heart can do is to grab hold of Jesus’ garment. We have religion by the truck loads. We have Jesus claimers by the truckloads. We have true repentant, born again believers in short supply.

God says in Ecclesiastes  that He gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding to those in whom He delights.
