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Daily Archives: December 9, 2019

When Was Jesus Born?

The very fact that He was born in Nazareth and in a stable, revealed only to very select people, profoundly states that He has chosen to arrive in insignificance. Yet, the church is blinded by that and secures that which is insecurable, the incarnation, to a date, rather than to a place of non-locality, the heart. —-Says my husband Tim

He comes to us as our Great High Priest, having no beginning or end, neither father nor mother, the Eternal One. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

God has purposefully shown us these truths so we wouldn’t secure His incarnation to a date or a time. He hasn’t attached it to a time, and by design…he is outside of time. He had to be a man in order to die as the Lamb. This is the only way He could be our KINSMAN Redeemer. He had to be one of us. So when did it happen? We know it was around 2020 years ago. But when in time, space and locality? I don’t know because, “Behold the Man!” Behold the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. I saw the LORD High and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. God said He was slain before He formed the world and all of creation. How then could He be slain as the man, before man was?

The Bible says “we now know Jesus no longer after the flesh…”. Let that sink in a little. Leave the elementary principles of Christ behind, and move on to perfection. We don’t know the day because that day is gone. Don’t go back. He is no longer known after that dispensation, to use a descriptive word. I have seen Him high and lifted up, have you? Celebrate His incarnation every day in your heart by obeying Him. That’s the right way. The birth of Christ is an elementary principle of Christ. He has exorted us to move on from it…

How then can we secure a day, a time, a season to His birth when God does everything He can to say…don’t!