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Daily Archives: January 2, 2020

Does Jesus Allow All Believers to Serve In All Ways At All Times?

It doesn’t appear so. We see when He cast the legion of demons out of a man in Gadarenes the man was so happy and elated that he begged Jesus if he could go with Him to the next town proclaiming the good news with Him. Jesus said, no.

Instead, the man was instructed to stay where he was and tell his family and those around him, what Jesus has done for him. And the Bible says that’s what he did. It’s the same today.

There is a period a maturing that needs to take place before a believer can go harvesting with Jesus. Also, demon possession can only happen with the permission of the heart it possesses. There is something here. And this man didn’t have just a demon but thousands.

Remember that in God’s house (His family) there are vessels of honor and of dishonor. All are saved, yes, but which ones had propensity for idols and which did not?

We have to be fit for the work of harvesting. Jesus said unless we abide in Him we cannot produce any fruit (harvest). He doesn’t say we aren’t saved.

There are different types of sin. Just because the man longed to go with Jesus into the harvest, doesn’t mean he was suited for it.

God sends apostles. They are fit. The Biblical definition for an apostle is a follower who is obedient and who has seen Jesus, either when He was here before the ascension or in a dream or vision as Paul did.

An apostle is sent because they obey. Because they obey, they know doctrine, whether it is of God or not. They discern. Because they obey and know doctrine they do not follow false doctrine. Because they don’t follow false doctrine they can speak solid truth, un-compromised. They can go into the harvest and gather.

How long will we have to stay back once we’ve received Life eternal?

Bless His perfect and holy name!
