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Daily Archives: January 29, 2020

Romans 14:22

Be careful in the thing that you allow as a believer, Paul said.

What did he mean? Let’s look. This section of Romans teaches us that we need to be diligent and thoughtful in the things we allow, and don’t allow as a believer, into our lives, and into our doctrine.

Paul says that we need to avoid people who argue with us contrary to the doctrine we know to be right by what God has taught us through His word.
He has admonished us not to take part in silly back and forth over words, haggling, trying to convince. Instead, he says to remove yourself from such.

We saw Jesus saying same thing and it was also over doctrine. He said to leave them alone. They are blind and they lead the blind and both will fall into a ditch.

He doesn’t say to argue or even to persuade here. Now we are always to reason, but when we see there is no reasoning with someone…depart.

If we don’t depart, then we risk corrupting ourselves. We are admonished by Paul here in Romans 14 to make our determination about what we allow, whether it’s about a holy day, a potential idol, an activity or a doctrine we hold…and be sure about it. We are to be sure about it before God. And not to be sure about what we think but about what God has said. We had better know what He has said. We are to be as the Bereans and filter everything through the entirety of His word. He guides perfectly if our motives are pure. If our motives are not pure, then we will follow a crooked path, just as our motive is crooked.

Wow. My own church allows yoga classes at the church. It allows women to teach men in a church setting. It allows crosses and candles as implements for rituals. It is very relaxed about clinging to ways of this world. It is slack concerning doctrine.

Why am I there? They do preach the gospel and in my city there is no other church I have found that does.

I have admonished leadership every single time I see one of these offenses, but to no avail. But how scary for that are in leadership. They are slack with what they allow, and Paul says what is coming to those who do such things.

Be careful as a believer in what you allow. Are you allowing a slack mind about homosexuality in society? Abortion? Drunkenness and frivolity? Ungodly business deals and practices? Be very careful, God warns.
“Happy is the man who doesn’t condemn himself with the things he allows” ( Romans 14:22). That’s word for word.

tThank You Lord Jesus for this word today! Amen and bless your name!
