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Daily Archives: April 5, 2020

Paving the Way for The Man of Perdition

It looks to me like the way is being paved for the man of perdition to arrive on the scene. We are a world at a standstill. A pandemic is here. I read article headlines this morning about possibly no more paper money at some point in the near future…who knows.

I can see a scenario come November where the world is still in such chaos that a new comer could arrive on the scene promising peace and safety. This is what antichrist, or the 1st beast will do. He will be a problem solver and will be able to deceive most of the world. They will believe he has all the answers. The nation Israel will think he is their messiah. That’s who he will claim to be or at least allow to be believed about him.

For 3.5 years, He will bring about some false peace. That is not to say that there won’t be rumblings of trouble because there will be. But he will not have revealed himself to be the beast yet. He only does that at the half way spot of the last 7 years. We know the day. It is the day he sets himself up as God in the temple of God. On that day, the church either is raptured or will have recently been raptured. It’s all at the same time. As soon as the church is taken up, Israel is unblinded.

When does the Bible say Israel is unblinded? They are unblinded the minute the gentile flock of the church is complete and antichrist claims he is God. So that is all at the 3.5 year mark.

Paul said the church would be here until Antichrist is revealed. Well, he is not revealed as antichrist until the 3.5 year mark. He is concealed as such until then. Paul when asked if the timing of the catching up said this: that can’t happen until there is a great falling away then the man of perdition is revealed. Well we have the great falling away for sure. But antichrist is only revealed as himself at the 3.5 year mark. He is hidden until then.

So if we see soon, and it could be at the November election if Trump is defeated as the world leader, because that is who the US president is, the leader of the world, really, that a man rises up claiming peace and safety…it could be antichrist. Watch for that. It also could be behind the scenes so watch for that as well.

If it is antichrist, then the church has 3.5 years to get themselves and as many as they can reach, in order.

At the rapture, only the single-minded believer will go. The lukewarm church will be left behind. They will have to endure the unspeakable pain that is coming upon the earth.

They will be killed for their faith. But will gain eternal salvation.

If someone was not saved before the rapture they are doomed. The big lie sets in and now they cannot believe. Only Israel can and they are hidden for 3.5 years in Petra while the dragon has his day with extreme evil and destruction, poured out upon the earth.

This period will be so bad that God will remove many believers who might be the ones who have to endure this time, because they were lukewarm Christians, by death. He will use as many means as He did during Babylonian captivity. Disease, famine, violence. Why are the elderly dying in this Covid19 pandemic? I think there are 3 groups within those dying. 1- non believers whose time is up. 2- Believers whose time is finished. 3-Lukewarm believers who He is sparing the tribulation to come. It is His mercy to take them home now. They are elderly, weak and vulnerable even though they are lukewarm…not all who are taken home are in this category. Some have just finished their race.

We do know that during all of this, several things must be in place and here they are: It will look much like the days of Noah. In this way…life will be going on as it always has. It will be pretty normal as far as normal goes. People will be buying and selling. Marrying and giving in marriage. It will be extremely wicked. Godlessness will prevail. The Nephilim will be at the forefront. We see all of this.

We are paused right now and it isn’t normal. But this is to pave the way for antichrist. There has to be a huge crisis for the world to follow him. But once he arrives as the supreme leader of the world, a temporary and false peace will set in for 3.5 years. The Bible doesn’t say total peace and as a matter of fact it tells us that amidst this false peace, trouble or the beginnings of sorrows will be present still.

More next time…

Turn to Jesus Christ today. He loves you and is waiting for you. I do believe the time is at hand.

peace and love in Him alone,
