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Daily Archives: May 5, 2020

The Coming Kingdom

Are you ready? If yes, is your family ready? If yes, are your friends and neighbors ready?

There is a Kingdom coming and by the looks of things and by what Bible prophecy tells us, it looks like soon…and very soon.

I am prone to prophetic dreams. I have journals full of them and dates of their fulfillment. I never cease to be flabbergasted that God shares His secrets with me. He does. The Bible says that He loves to and He tells us who He shares them with. The inner circle. “ The Lord confides in those who fear Him. Who fears Him? The sanctified. That’s why He confides in them. He has their whole hearts and all of their attention.
How many Christians know that there is a Kingdom coming? Not many. Why? Churches don’t teach it. Believers don’t know their Bibles. They are the ones Jesus said would be distracted by the cares of this life. That is, the daily events of life.

But it looks like the Kingdom is at the door step or close to it and who knows? Are we ready? Isaiah said in chapter 56 that in these last days a group of righteous people will be caught up with Jesus when He returns for the faithful. The righteous vanish and no one notices. There are so few who go.
Jeaus told us to pray that we would be counted worthy to escape the wrath to come. Being born again is not enough. We must be born again and single minded concerning God. The Luke warm will stay here on earth during the last 3.5 years of the 7 year period called Jacobs trouble.

They will be refined and do enter the Kingdom, but because they did not lose their lives they will have to be refined by the wrath of the Lamb. It’s true.

So if this covid19 virus hangs around and if there is hunger and there are earthquakes and wild beasts killing people, then we are looking at the livid or pale horse where 1/4 of the earth’s population is killed by all of these things. That would mean 2 billion. It sounds far fetched but so would this situation we are in have sounded many months ago. It sounds like a science fiction movie that no one would watch, yet it is happening.

A woman where I live was killed by an alligator 2 days ago. I’ll do a search to see if there is an unusually high amount of wild beasts killing people.
I did google average deaths per year. I think the number was around 100 million which isn’t even close to 2 billion. The Bible doesn’t specify the time line for this but it is inferred contextually in Revelation that is is at once or at least within a short period of time. If we dragged it out over the first 3.5 years how many is that roughly per year?

It’s less that 1 billion per year. That’s still a staggering amount. It is such a large amount that it would be an unmistakeable mile marker that this is it. So when the white horse gets here it’ll be very obvious to those who are watching.

This virus could strike again and much harder. We will have to see. But are we ready? Make sure we are ready. The Kingdom coming is everything your heart has ever desired. That was pure and holy. It is perfect joy and peace and wonder and fullness. Jesus will reign. And we who suffered with Him will also reign with Him. Do you know Him? That’s first. Know Him. He has died for your sin. Repent and come to Him for forgiveness and be saved today.

But that’s not all. Know Him. A half hearted believer is a sorrow to Him. Give all you are to this glorious God and King. He is coming soon.