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Daily Archives: June 2, 2020

Where is the Secret Place of the Most High?

…under the shadow of His wing. Why is it secret? It’s because the only way to know where it is, is to search for it. Who will search for it? Almost no one will search for it. Do all Christians live there or have access to this place? No, not all Christians do. Why is that? It’s because very few true believers care enough to find it. I’m sorry. It’s true. It’s harsh but there is no time for softness. It’s true. Most believers are distracted with and love this present world. They do not really care for the things of God. They are more interested in the world around them and what their favorite entertainment person has to say. They do not care what God has to say and they don’t really care for His company.
But there is a place that single minded believers have access to and it is the place that is hidden with Christ, in God. You have to leave everything behind to enter there but when you do, everything you ever wanted and more than you can imagine you wanted is there. We have no idea Who we are ignoring. We have no idea. But for those who do know, for those whom God saw in their heart something that desired God truly, He gives the key.

Whose prayers have weight and authority before God? It’s these very ones who do…the hidden ones. Why? Because they sought the Lord. They paid all they have to buy the field. How did they know? God told them. Why hasn’t he told you, if He hasn’t told you? He has tried. You won’t listen. You are distracted by your love for the world.

Obey God. If you want to know what I am talking about; this is really all I am permitted to say. Obey God. Fear Him enough to walk forward and lay down all you are to hear what He says. He is searching for the glorious Bride and on that day that she is presented to Him before the whole world, you’ll see why you aren’t part of her. You’ll see why and agree to it and say it is just and right and good and you’ll begin to be accepting of your lot for eternity and will say this is how it should be.

Pastors and leaders who teach otherwise will be held accountable. They have not looked into the word of God we’ll enough. They have lazily done His work. They have led countless into immaturity. They have deprived them of truth. They want to be liked.

There is time now. I can go through all of the theology for you. I can go through the particulars. But there is no assurance after I have done it that you will hear it. But God will open that chapter for you here a little, there a little, line upon line, line upon line if you desire it.
This is the first thing: Love the Lord your God, with all you heart, soul, mind and strength and He will of you desire, fill your heart with the knowledge of Him.
search for Him today as if He were the only thing there is…because I am telling you…he is the only thing there is.
