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Daily Archives: August 13, 2020

Evil men will grow worse and worse…

And we see it. There is no mistake. The days do not just continue on as they always have. Jesus said there was coming a day where we had better have not just one weapon but two of them. In other words…armed to the hilt.

I can’t even think about, much less mention the evil I hear in the news today, 8/13/2020. But visions the Lord has given to me warning me that this day was coming, have come to pass. Truth in the news is very hard to find. Lies are everywhere. The father of lies, the devil, is beginning to have his day.

Why is he having his day? It is because we deserve it. The world has desired Satan and his ways and has rejected God and His ways. The Rapture of the faithful church and the Second Coming of Christ are at hand.

Paul said that in these days something very specific would happen as we see the day draw near: In 2 Thessalonians, he said that there was someone who was restraining evil. That someone is not identified. I do not think it is the Holy Spirit. This someone leaves. The Holy Spirit never leaves, but great Archangels do leave. I believe that this scripture could very well refer to a great archangel, who has always watched over the United States. He has been restraining evil from the beginning, when this nation was formed. That has allowed allowed Israel to be protected and the gospel to be preached throughout the whole world. No other nation has ever been able to let that happen.
But the United States in my opinion is Mystery Babylon. She is the harlot who rides the beast. No other nation in history has fit her description in the Bible. The United States does fit that description to the letter. A harlot is an adulteress. She once was but then is not. That’s the USA. We once were God’s but now are not. There is only a remnant left in her.
I believe that arch angel who had watch over this country, restraining evil while the gospel was being sent out over the whole world, has been removed. He has been removed because we have chosen Satan over God. We are that harlot.

That arch angel, I believe, has stepped on the full affects of Satan up until this day. He could only do so much. But that restraint is gone and we are left to ourselves. We have chosen it.

That is why we see unbelievable lies and wickedness daily, seemingly prevailing in our nation and hence the world. Satan is in charge. God has permitted it.

So what about the faithful believers who are here right now while Jesus tarries a bit before He removes the righteous from the evil to come, as Isaiah said? I have a thought:

God is allowing us to step up and be the church. This won’t delay the Lord’s coming and it will not change Bible prophecy, but it will gather up the last bits of believers before that great and terrible day that is fast approaching. This is my take.

I do not believe there is some great revival coming at this point. I don’t see it at all in Bible prophecy. I actually see that God is always in the process of gathering the sheep no matter what is going on in the world. He is doing that. But something else is happening alongside.

There is a great falling away. I see it alongside the gathering up. The apostasy I see is mind boggling. The church has yoga classes. Women preach everywhere. Homosexuality is embraced. It doesn’t get any worse. It doesn’t get any worse.

The acceptance of homosexuality is the final abhorrent behavior before God abandons a nation. We are consumed by it.

Nearly every other commercial on TV is forcing perverted homosexual behavior into the minds of people. They are targeting children. They are not selling a product. They are forming the innocent minds of sweet children to accept as good the most wicked of behaviors. Satan is doing this and myriads are following him off the cliff. The perversion in our day is unthinkable. Public school curriculum os forcing innocent babes to explore perversion. It is putrifying. God has had enough.

Doesn’t anyone see what is happening? God has removed children from schools. He has closed up false churches, forcing people to be on their own with their Bibles. He has shut down bars, casinos, Hollywood, wicked movies and shows, theaters. This is mercy.

True and single minded believers have the power to take the position of that restraining arch angel. Will we do it? Let’s be the church and pray and speak and admonish!! Will we stand up? Will we just sit silent. I truly don’t know.

I do know this. It seems to me like we very well could be in the middle of a 30 minute silence in heaven. If we realize and look hard at Bible prophecy events, we could be there. The rapture does not happen until the beast sets himself up as God in the temple of God. But do we actually have to have the brick and mortar temple so to speak? Could it be a tabernacle type of temple? Could there already be something like that here and we aren’t aware of it?

2 billion people have to first be killed as a result of the 4th seal but could that happen very quickly maybe with a Covid 19 vaccine? Could it happen with another bio weapon? Yes. Easily. We will have to see.
As for me, I will commit myself to prayer this day.
Pray with me. The Bible says, come quickly Lord Jesus! Notice the quickly.
Some have misinterpreted Revelation to think the Bride is telling Jesus to “come Lord”. But she is not talking to Jesus. She is telling all the world to come to the Lord before it’s too late. The church says to Jesus, Come QUICKLY, Lord.

Where are the admonishers? No where. Everyone wants peace at all costs. No one will fight. Remember 5 virgins of ten will be unprepared when the Lords comes to get us quickly. Half. Half will not go. HALF OF TRUE CHURCH WONT GO!!! HALF!!!

Come quickly Lord!
