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Daily Archives: August 20, 2020

Tearing down strongholds

Am I as a believer tearing down strongholds of the enemy or am I helping him build them up?

If I have compromised with the world, with the old man nature in me, in even the tiniest way that is acceptable to the world’s way, but not acceptable to God, then I am building up Satan’s strongholds in my life.
The sad thing is this: if I am building up strongholds for Satan, my children and grandchildren will suffer. How do we know?

Jesus said a tree is known by its fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit, but a tree is known by its fruit. This is how. It’s very simple. It’s not confusing. God is not the author of confusion. He is very upfront and clear.

Look at your life. What surrounds you? Do you see good fruit? Do you see bad fruit? Don’t mistake God’s kindness and long suffering for weakness; or worse, for laxity. You absolutely will reap what you sow.
If you sow to the flesh then you will reap rotten fruit from the flesh. If you sow to the spirit then you will reap good fruit from the spirit.

God is not unholy. He does not put up with anything from the flesh. He said, “You thought I was altogether like you…”

Some believers imagine that God is unholy like they are. That is the reason we see so many tormented people who are never happy, never fulfilled, never joyful, always in chaos and tumult. Trouble. They live trouble. They breathe trouble, they create and inflict trouble.
Why? It’s because they have compromised with the world’s ways and are builders with Satan of strongholds. They are a curse to family and not a blessing.

God help us. Oh that believers would choose this day whom they would serve. Open eyes and ears to hear You Lord.
