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Daily Archives: October 15, 2020

The thoughts of the righteous are right

What a revolutionary and power packed, filled with dynamite, truth of the living God. Who will hear it? Let’s examine it: so God clearly says something here and it is gold. It is a hidden treasure. I’m certain of it. But don’t take my word for it, examine what I say here and check it out for yourself, in the words of Chuck Missler. Check it out for yourself.

So God doesn’t say, the thoughts of the lukewarm are right. He doesn’t say the thoughts of the intelligent are right…. on it goes. No, only the thoughts of the righteous are right. Let me show you what this means.

The righteous here are the sanctified. So what I’m about to say isn’t given to the believer who has decided to live in a double minded state with God. I elaborate on this truth in my book Crucified, getting the mind of Christ. In this book I illuminate and examine the Scriptures which show unequivocally in my mind, that there is a difference between a lukewarm and immature believer, willfully that is, and a single minded, mature, or sanctified believer. The sanctified believer is the righteous one here that God is speaking of. Now I know that many people would say all believers are righteous. This is true. But this is not the righteousness God is speaking of in this verse. God is not speaking of the righteousness that is attributed to us the moment we believe. There is another righteousness spoken of by James, by Peter, by John, by Paul, by Jesus, etc. This is a righteousness that is seen. It is a righteousness that now exists in a believer who has actually decided to dethrone self rule and now God reigns permanently and fully in their lives for eternity. But I will not argue that point here. Let’s just look at this incredible, powerful promise. So now I’m speaking to those who are single minded in Christ. I used to think, before God just revealed this to me after meditation upon this promise, that whatever thoughts I had about situations, people, events, etc, were right. And this is true. How? God shares truth with those with whom He is intimate…the single minded. That’s how these thoughts are correct, or right.
However, God has just let me see more. And it is so awesome, I’m going to have to spend the rest of the day trying to contain my joy. I have an option then as a single minded believer, to think right thoughts. What are right thoughts? Paul tells us in first Corinthians 13. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it’s not proud, it’s not rude. What else? It always believes the best. So this love, agape, is the highest law. If I follow the highest law, it trumps everything, correct? Indeed it does. So if I as a single minded believer, choose to order my thoughts and always believe the best, then these thoughts will also be right. Father in heaven what glory You have revealed today.

So, today instead of thinking on things and dwelling upon things that I suspect, based on what I see, but have no evidence of, I will choose to re-order the suspicious thought, based on the little information I have. Now, what I choose to think will be the highest, best thought in that situation, and you know what? God has told me that, the thoughts of the righteous right. Hallelujah blessed be the most high And holy God.

Now we know that Satan does know God. He knows His ways. He even knows some truth that God has permitted him to know. What does he do with it? He perverts it and makes it his own doctrine. So let me show how Satan has seen some of this truth I mention, but has lied and twisted it to fit his evil schemes.

Here is what Satan says: I have the power to alter my reality by my positive thought. This is a lie and is from Satan. But he has no ideas of his own. He steels God’s truth and perverts it. He has done that here.

All false religions and satanism, the occult, say that I can think what I want to be so, and it will be so. No. This is satanism and worship of the devil.

This is not the truth I am putting forth and here is how it differs: As a believer, I don’t just desire a thing and meditate on that thing or envision that thing and then it will come true. This is very wicked. Instead, as a believer I am to do what God says and then His promises come to me as a result. Period.

So here, concerning my thoughts, let me BELIEVE THE BEST. If I do I am in obedience. Then what? I have believed the best. I am already the single minded and am obeying God. What then? These thoughts that I am believing the best in are what? RIGHT. It’s that simple. Don’t pry. Don’t go further than God has led you. Stay right there and wait for further instructions.

1- Believe the best.

2-The thoughts of the righteous are right.

Now be careful. I cannot look at an established situation and believe it away. There are different instructions here. Plead and pray with God in the Spirit. Hoping the best. Keep praying. Act if necessary. Mourn if necessary.
But…if there is a situation that you do not have facts about and only appearances, STOP. Now is the time to obey and pray and not to fret and imagine evil.
Are we obeying God if we see some facts of a situation, choose to believe the most obvious evil conclusion? No! I have IMAGINED evil. Which is a thing God what? HE HATES! Don’t do it. Don’t add the details yourself that are evil. God hates it and you lose power in prayer.

Believe the best in that situation instead. See what happens. I am certain of it and bewildered at the notion of the dynomite given by God here.

You who are the sanctified, the righteous…

Think on it.

You who are the double minded. The lukewarm. The compromisers. The earthy. Not the spiritual believers but the natural believers…

Think on it.
