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Daily Archives: November 23, 2020

If we have around 3.5 years left…

before the Bride of Christ is raptured, then today is the day to consecrate your life to God if you are a believer, and to let Him sanctify you. If that’s the case, we only have 3.5 years to have an effect on our eternal state. What will we do in the millennium? Who will we be? We need to think about that. Once the Bride is caught up, that’s it. There are no more chances to be of use to Him. There are no more chances to gain treasure in Heaven. No more time to redeem; its finished.

There is a difference between consecrating ourselves to God ( not talked about much today) and sanctification. I would say that consecration is a place in the heart where I have set my mind, without waver or change to follow Jesus with my whole heart, mind and soul. Sanctification is that desire set in motion then sealed…worked out.

It is the sanctified who are raptured. These will be the Bride of Christ. If the peace deal signed this year, 2020 with Israel is the one mentioned in the Bible, then we have 3.5 years before the wrath begins. Today is the day to abode in Christ and bear fruit. Won’t you set your heart to do that today? Time is short.
