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Daily Archives: December 22, 2020

A Debased Mind

Also called a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28 tells us about this. It is only mentioned once in the Bible. God gives the lost over to a reprobate mind.
To my knowledge, there is only one absolute, sure marker or sign that a person has been given over to a reprobate mind. There is only one condition it’s so bad. What is it… They agree with same sex unions and intimate behavior… things only permitted between one man and one woman, married. I won’t write the words here because censors would block it. Hopefully this will get through.
How can we look at a person we know well and know if they are saved or lost? That’s God’s business. But He tells us one way. If they side with this, they have a reprobate mind.
God says that the righteous hate what God hates and love what God loves. A person indwelt by the Holy Spirit cannot side here with the topic. If they do, they show they are lost. If a person does not have the Spirit of God, they are none of His.

If a person sides with this condition in Romans, they are none of His. Scary.

A believer is not permitted to remain silent here. Jesus Christ delivers from this sin.

In His glorious name,
