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Daily Archives: March 10, 2021

Seek peace and pursue it…

But Jesus also said this: “ Don’t think I came to bring peace. I came to bring a sword … and fire, and how I wish it were already kindled…”

How do we reconcile these two instructions? Here’s how:

Peace is only from Jesus. But His peace is an effect and not a cause. That’s the difference. If you seek to cause peace you will fail. But if you seek to walk in Christ Jesus, peace will come to you as a bi-product of godliness.
So a person who hates controversy will not walk in godliness, but they will always avoid difficult things and always be looking for peace. They will never find it. This person will make godless choices and have godless opinions in order to find the peace they desperately seek. They will compromise and avoid suffering, all for the sake of this peace they seek. When Jesus said to seek peace and pursue it, He meant to live godly in Christ Jesus, and it will come to us that way, as an effect of obedience and godliness.

A peace seeker or peace keeper, will agree with homosexuality because it’s too hard to argue against it. They will agree with women teaching men in the church because it is peace-less to argue against it. They will follow godless traditions of men in their lives because it’s too difficult not to. On it goes.

Peace comes only to those to whom it is determined…the saints in the light. Be one today. His sword and fire are on the way. This earth is destined to burn up one day at His hand, making way for the New Heavens and New Earth. It can’t come quickly enough.
