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Daily Archives: April 1, 2021

Is Christmas just a phalic symbol that is part and parcel with Easter a fertility symbol?

Absolutely! The two pagan holidays are two parts of a satanic whole and the church is blind to it…yet the church is and has been victim to it.

We have Christmas which is not ordered by God and in fact is anti-God. The main symbol is a tree, a definite phalic symbol representing the male god saturn ( the sun god) or whoever ( doesn’t matter even). The female counterpart to this pagan god worship is easter whose main symbol is an egg and all that pertains to prolific production ( worship of spring). What makes everything grow according to paganism? The sun.

It is not a stretch. It is not a goofy concept. It is not innocent. It is severely wicked. The church is knee deep in it. Satan always focuses sexual sin on children first. Corrupt before they can think. Corrupt early. Make it look innocent. Interweave them so tightly in the participation that they are unwilling to break loose of it. They are captive.
The corruption in Noah’s day was sexual. The corruption in the last days and all throughout time is sexual in origin. The last days are so sexually corrupt that it’s unbearable. That’s what we see today. It’s everywhere.
In Mystery Babylon, who is the mother of fornicators ( sexually immoral, corrupt), adulteresses, we see this in its completion. Our little children are being corrupted in the school system with vile things. Human trafficking is in the news this afternoon and no one cares. Tv is so corrupt, even the commercials are vile, no one cares. Perversion has overtaken almost everything… Shows, songs, clothing, sports, news, politics, everything.
The union of pagan christmas with pagan easter has produced the harlot who rides the beast in Revelation.

There is no repentance. There is no acknowledgment of it. It has thoroughly corrupted most of the church with a tiny remnant not part and parcel with it.

Lord Jesus, help us. Open the eyes of the blind today. You have told us to remove ourselves from this mystery Babylon. But oh God we are the largest part of it. The woman on the beast is an adulteress. Have mercy on us Lord and open our eyes today. Press true hearts toward You to remove ourselves from this corruption and impurity today.