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Daily Archives: April 6, 2021

The wrath of God

in the last 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week comes upon the apostate church first then stretches to the whole godless world. Just as it did come first upon Israel when they turned from God, so it will be with the church.
Here in the USA, we see a nation totally corrupt and the believers who follow God can get furious with the godless. But God’s wrath and judgment are directed first at the apostate church who has joined the world system, then to the godless world. It is not first to the world system. It’s directed at the harlot… the apostate church. They are the first reason for and the first object of His wrath.

The church that has joined the world is the responsible party…all over the world. So we see some church that is rich and pretends to know God?? That’s the object of the judgment we see. Don’t look at the ignorant masses or the proclaimed godless, though they are just as corrupt. Don’t look at the wicked media who are pushing communism. Don’t look at the corrupt companies that infiltrate our TVs with their wicked ads pushing their wicked agendas. No. Look to the say nothing, do nothing, world joining apostate church. That is the target.
“Come out of her My people”