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Daily Archives: May 16, 2021

The Knowledge of God more than sacrifice

God desires that we have the knowledge of Him, more than we sacrifice anything to or for Him. Think on that. Doesn’t that give your heart tremendous freedom and sweetness to ponder it?

It is human nature and I would say unredeemed human nature, to imagine that I can just appease God by doing things like going to church, do this, do that, all things that have an appearance of godliness, and never seek to gain the KNOWLEDGE PF GOD, and that this pleases Him.

No. Would it please you? It would crush my heart. I would rather my husband, my children, my friends seek to know me. They can give me things, be guarded around me and do what they think I might like, serve me by bringing me things, making a way for me, etc, but if they never stop to look at me, hear me, love me, know me, it’s all emptiness. It’s all such sad emptiness but that’s where most people dwell concerning God.

Stop it. Know Him. Know Him. Know Him.

How, You say? I know that answer. I can’t tell you. I could, but you wouldn’t hear. It’s not a prescription or a recipe or a procedure. You find it out. Go ask.

Heavens, how did you bond with your spouse? How did you find out who they were? How did you bond with your children? How did you find out who they were? How?
“ For I desired mercy, not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings…” (Hosea 6:6).

God is saying His greatest desire is that YOU gain the knowledge of God. How AWESOME that is! Go get it, will you!
