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Daily Archives: May 26, 2022

King David was a priest

I was reading in 1 Chronicles. Ive read it a hundred times. David brought up the ark with great joy and dancing before the Lord. The Bible says he wore a linen ephod. I have read it so many times. This time I stopped. He did what!

He wore the linen ephod. David, my friend, was a priest. That’s right. He was a priest. But he was not a Levite. only a Levite could be a priest and only a son of Aaron, a High Priest…an inherited office.

He not only wore the ephod but he made offerings. He went into the presence of the Lord. He ate the Showbread. I am sure many more things if we search. But if not a priest after Levi, then who? Melchizedek! Israel was not permitted to have one person who was a king and a priest. We first see Melchizedek as such, and of course Jesus was, then this is what overcomers will be and I would say already are in a prophetic sense. But so was David! Why? He is a picture of Jesus first of all. But then he is a picture of the Bride of Christ.

Once I saw that he had to be a priest to wear the ephod, I searched it and landed on a blog of a pastor who pointed out all the other priestly things David did. He mentioned Melchizadek and that confirmed everything. Of course.

David was a man after God’s own heart because he is a picture of the Bride of Christ. Thats it!

Now here is an amazing point. It’ll teach us to discern Jesus’ use of literary subtleties and devices . In Matthew we read that Jesus says King David went into the temple doing the thing forbidden and ate the showbread that was only for priests. At first glance we might think Jesus is saying David wasn’t a priest but He is saying the opposite. He is absolutely declaring King David to be a priest; therefore both King and priest.

Here’s how: We see it in these two situations I’ll mention but certainly there are more…The man called Jesus good and His response was “Why do you call me good seeing only God is good”. Well Jesus is God and He is good. In other words, Jesus was saying to this man: “If I am good then I MUST BE GOD…since only God is good. I must be Him then.

So this is a powerful way, for those with understanding, to hear Jesus claim that He is God.

He is saying to the ones He is trying to teach, that David DID eat the show bread reserved for priests and did not trespass in doing so, which means King David was a priest.

He is also saying in the analogy, that if Jesus is doing what He is doing, healing on the sabbath, then He must have power to do so. He is God.

He does the same thing with the woman who asks Him for help and He says to her that He came for the lost Nation Israel, why should He then turn to help a dog?

He is declaring the lie she has believed so she can see the truth. Yes He did come to Israel first, in order to fulfill prophecy, but He came for the gentiles too, who were not dogs but precious jewels as well. God formed the nation Israel for one reason…to save the whole world!!! So the reason Israel exists as a nation is to show the world who He is and to save them! There are no dogs.

Actually, in using her misunderstanding to teach her truth, Jesus is saying to her: I formed a whole nation to save you, woman. You are no dog. And more… If you are a dog, then why am I saving you? You’re no dog. That’s a lie. You don’t understand.

There is more here to find. It’s a hidden treasure. Thank You Lord!!