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Daily Archives: July 2, 2022

Heavenly rewards

This is a topic that is not spoken of enough in the body of Christ. If it were, more believers might walk more worthy of their calling. I think maybe that because many believers are not appropriately focused on rewards in heaven, that many of us have a sloppy, complacent and lukewarm walk.

This also has been Satan’s plan. He wants to rip the believer off of inheritance (Heavenly rewards) and he has and is very successful at doing just that. But it is the believer’s fault in the end. If as a believer, I don’t have to think of possible loss concerning rewards, then I will not be fervent making sure I am in God’s will. I will stray and be sloppy for sure. But it matters a great deal. All the parables about wicked servants should warn us. We must be very purposed and deliberate about obeying and following God. If we don’t there will be great loss.

But if I will die to sin and self then I will be repulsed by anything against God’s will. I can be sure that my walk will end in receiving all the rewards God has planned for me. Isn’t that incentive enough to be transformed then, by the renewing of my mind, offering myself up to God as a living sacrifice, which is my reasonable service?

If God can trust us with the little things, then He will trust us with bigger things. He has promissed us that.

But if He cannot trust us in little things, He will not trust us with bigger things. And worse, what little He did allow us to have He will take even that away…in whatever form that takes. Salvation is not the focus here but rewards are…both now and then.

Walk in the Spirit then and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. He is faithful.