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Daily Archives: December 8, 2022

Did Mary ever stop being The Lord’s mother?

I’ll say yes. We know that Jesus reveals Himself, in Revelation especially, as the Almighty, who had no beginning and no end. He is the Eternal One, and His incarnation was the vehicle by which He became the Kinsman Redeemer.

Now while He was on earth as the Lamb , Mary was certainly His mother in this sense…though Hebrews tells us clearly He was in the order of Melchizadek, who had no father or mother, neither beginning nor end. Melchizadek had to be Jesus. No one else had no beginning and has no end.

So was her motherhood necessary but temporary as His mother? It was. He begins to break the news to us immediately.

Jesus existed before Bethlehem, before Mary, who was the woman by whom He would enter into our place, as a man…qualifying Him to be our Kinsman redeemer.

The old prophet Simeon, who told her in the temple after His birth that her heart would be pierced, knew it. We get a hint when He goes missing at 12 years old. His response to her seems strange. He responds to her as God even then, and not as a son really.
We see Him distancing Himself from her, in her role as His mother, at the wedding at Cana. He calls her “woman”. He, as God, is referring to her as the one who fulfilled the Genesis 3 prophecy. She was THE woman who God said would bring forth the seed of the woman. Jesus was that seed. He was on His way to crush the serpent’s head with His accomplishment at the cross. So He is separating Himself from her there and also declaring her glorious election as that WOMAN. But she was only representing her race…humankind.

We see it again when a woman overcome with the glory of Jesus shouts, “blessed is the womb that bore You, who nursed You!” She saw the fulfillment and that is what she meant. She was declaring Him to be the Messiah. She knew it. God showed her.
Jesus says to her “Indeed, rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it”. He is showing them, yes, she is that woman but she is not the focus…do God’s will, He says…that is the focus.

Again, He was teaching, and His mother and brethren were outside wanting to speak to Him. When He was told, He says, “Who is my mother, who are my brethren?” Then He says again, “whoever does my Father’s will, they are my brother, sister, mother”.

He is separating Himself from her and proclaiming Himself to be God.

Finally, but there could be more times, we see Him on the cross, leaving the earth now in the role of Lamb. He looks at Mary, His mother, and exclaims, WOMAN! Behold your son. Then he continues and looks at John and says, behold, your mother.

This is difficult to express because the depth of meaning here and emotion can’t really be conveyed well with anything additional. It’s too much.
Jesus is saying two things to Mary at once. He is calling her His mother for the last time. She will be that no more. Her work and role there is done. He is also releasing her of that role, signing off as her son and giving her, as mother, to another…namely John.

When He tells John to behold now John’s mother, who is now Mary, He is leaving her in his care. It’s finished. Mission accomplished, world about to be redeemed. At this point, He will soon ascend and sit again with the Father on the Heavenly throne.

I say all of this for just the glory of the event. But I also mention it to further my point concerning Jesus taking on the form of a man. He was born in Bethlehem. It was a glorious event and He was a baby in a manger. But just like Mary is no longer His mother, Jesus no longer is to be thought of as a babe in a manger. It’s complete and now He has ascended. He has no birth. He has no beginning and has no end. Christmas then is a lie and a terribly pagan thing.

Those who celebrate it and stay focused on a day and a holiday are not understanding who He is, just like the others He had to correct.
Celebrate the glorious impossible story when you read it. But it is over. He isn’t born again every year. It’s finished. Let’s dwell in that gigantic truth.

Thank You Lord Almighty for the Glorious Impossible!