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Daily Archives: November 1, 2023

Is This the Magog War?

Article 2

Ezekiel then hears that these nations and all their bands will invade Israel. It will be in the latter years. We are in the latter years.

As I write, 30 minutes ago, Israel has just invaded Gaza on the ground. Up to this point, all we’ve seen after the invasion of terrorists murdering innocent civilians in Israel on the Gaza border, by Hamas, which I believe are Nephilim potentially, at least some of them, according to what we know of them from Joshua, is rocket fire from Gaza and the northern border with Lebanon and Syria.

It isn’t even on national news yet. AllIsrael news on the ground there just reported it. So if we are where I think we could be, then we can soon expect a ground invasion from the mountainous north of Israel.

Then Ezekiel tells us Gog’s thoughts. He decides to invade the nation of unwalled (means still not saved) villages to take great plunder. Gog, the demon spirit says to take spoil and PREY. He mentions that Israel will be dwelling is peace and safety and never know what hit them, so to speak. This began on Oct. 7. It was because they were in peace and safety with no dangers that they were caught unaware. Those who say Israel wasn’t in peace and safety are missing this. Yes, they are. They were and are as much as any nation in this fallen world can be.

Now beginning in verse 13 of 38 we see that Sheba and Dedan (Saudi Arabia) along with Tarshish and her young lions (England and all her offspring which includes the USA primarily), all say “what do you think you’re doing?”

This implies that these nations come to Israel’s defense to some degree. This can be true and not prevent Zechariah 12 from being in play here. The inhabitants in all these nations who hate God are spewing hateful, murderous rants at Israel as we speak. It is happening all over the USA right this minute. It is demonic. Mobs in Russia are storming an airport to kill Jews who are getting off a plane from Israel. It is unbelievable what we are seeing. These are clean-cut, normal, every day people and they are so demon possessed that they want to kill these people. It’s going on all over the world.

Ezekiel speaks of the hordes of invaders that come like a cloud to cover the land. We don’t see that at this moment but easily could in soon coming days. Also, these are clearly demonic beings. Will we see them inhabiting the bodies of men? Maybe some of them. Maybe most won’t be seen with the eye but they are there nevertheless. Are these hordes of demons persuading the crazy behavior of these mobs for example, and the students at colleges in the USA and all over the world? Absolutely!

The end of chapter 38 tends to begin referring to second coming events. We know that by certain language markers. Zechariah 12 can be referring to parts of Magog at the beginning but also morphs into second coming prophecy.

Now Ezekiel 39 goes back to Magog. God says I’ll turn you back. I’ll leave 1/6 part of you to go down. You’ll die on the mountains in the North. Birds will eat your flesh.

God then sends a fire on Magog and on those who dwell carelessly in the isles. Is that the USA? Could be. I think the USA is mystery Babylon and this fits in with the timing of her destruction.

Then Israel will know the name of the Lord and won’t pollute His name anymore. This is during the wrath, even at the beginning of wrath, which begins 3.5 years into the last 7 years.

God says it is done. This is the day of which I have spoken ( the last day, the wrath).

God says people in the cities will go and set on fire and burn the weapons. They will burn for 7 years. Now this is the sticking point. We hear 7 years and assume it is referring to Jacob’s trouble, but it isn’t, we can see. However, if we can reasonably apply a possibility then the theory remains viable. So let’s say God is speaking of the time after Armageddon here and it sounds very much like that to me. This means that these weapons burn for 7 years into the millennium. This is entirely possible and nothing precludes it from being so. Let’s look to Bible prophecy and markers in scripture that tell us this might be the case. Verses 11 on seem to prove it. God says Gog will be buried. Israel will begin cleanup of the land and it will be cleansed. This has to be right after Armageddon. Gog comes on the scene at the 3.5 year mark and is killed at the end in Armageddon. It mentions all the people who remain on earth. This can only be after the second coming and Armageddon. We know that, because prophecy tells us that no one will be left on earth at this point, but believing Israel, who came through the wrath.

Ezekiel 39:22 says that Israel will know that I am the Lord their God from that day forward. Well this happens at the 3.5 year mark when antichrist reveals his true identity. This locks in the timing of the Magog War.

39:26 also says a great deal. It says that according to Israel’s uncleanness, God has dealt with her. He says she was unclean when she dwelt in safety. This is now. They are in uncleanness because they have not been washed by the blood of the Lamb. They are in safety God says as they dwell in their uncleanness.

It sounds like Armageddon, and perhaps even Magog, involve some nuclear weapons. We can’t rule it out, so the possibility is viable.