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Daily Archives: June 12, 2024

The death of Joab

can be seen as a pattern for the believer’s walk, and for those believers who assume that the goodness of God erases transgressions not repented of.

This was Joab’s mistake. We know Joab was one of David’s mighty men. We know he was his nephew as a matter of fact. We know he was a fierce general and loved God. We know that Joab was elected of God and used by God to accomplish big amazing things for God’s people, Israel, and for God’s purposes.

But in the end we see some curious things. He did not finish well. In spite of all the glorious good and masterful courage and godly deeds and heart, he did not finish well.

Joab loved David and served him selflessly. He was enraged at David’s adultery and murder… ashamed of David’s conniving. This endears us to Joab because this was also God’s heart concerning these things.

But Joab had killed unnecessarily 3 people. We never see repentance for those murders. We do see extreme repentance for David’s adultery and murder. And while David did reap exactly what he sowed times 1000, he finished well and very, very well.
So we have to say that the dividing factor here is repentance. This stays in line with all God has shown us about His justice. He forgives where there is repentance.
Now keep in mind that there are two forms of repentance. 1-Repentance unto salvation and 2- Repentance after salvation of individual sins committed. We are discussing the latter. Both men were saved so the repentance that saves isn’t in question here. This is a different repentance that happens every time we decide to trespass even though we know better.

Now we also have to consider that both David and Joab suffer greatly for their sins. Joab paid with his life. Solomon was instructed by David to kill Joab for his crimes. David’s entire life and household were plagued with the very sins he committed, poured back onto his own head. This is very serious.

Each one knew better and this is the difference. Had each one committed these sins before they had knowledge of God, and before they had a relationship with God, things very well could have been different. Why? It has to be so. God is just and His law demands it. The difference is that grace is applied to them even though they did reap what they sowed. Grace is applied by giving eternal life to them, in spite of their sins while in the body of believers.

This is a good picture and a stern warning for believers today. Once you have the knowledge of God, be very careful not to indulge in sins that would’ve been done while in unbelief. They are treated differently. Never can a saved life be at stake or eternal salvation lost but rewards can be lost and even life.
Believer, if you know Jesus as your Savior….walk in Him. Turn not to the right nor to the left but follow Him very closely. God is holy. Don’t let your heart forget that God is holy and so must you be!

The mercies of God cover us and spare us from many toils and snares, but watch your life and let Him keep it now if you are in Christ. Don’t take Him for granted. This is a stern warning to us today.

Jesus said and Peter reminds us, as God is holy, so you be holy. Amen Lord.