How we know there is a “rapture” Bible says Harpazzo, which means catching up …

We know there is a rapture, a catching up. Here is why:
There are two distinctly different second returns, if you will, of Christ. They are very different, which tells us that they are not the same event. Let’s look.

1- One event (rapture) says that Jesus returns FOR the saints (John 14:3, 1 Thes 5:28, 2 Thes 2:1). The other event (2nd coming) says He returns WITH His saints 1 Thes 3:13, Jude 1:4, Rev. 19:14).

2- One event (rapture) says only true followers will see Him because He comes like a thief in the night (1 Thes 4:13-18). The other event (2nd coming) says that EVERY eye shall see Him (Rev 1:7).

3- One event (rapture) says, Jesus comes in the air and we are caught up to Him (1 Thes 4:17). The other event 2nd coming) says that He touches the earth (Zechariah 14:4, Acts 1:11).

4- One event (rapture) describes believers being taken away from the earth (1 Thes 4:15-17). The other event (2nd coming) describes unbelievers being taken away from the earth (Matt 24:37-41).

There are many more but they get a little more complex and detailed. Just a glance at these very obvious events, shows us that there are two events and they are almost completely opposite one another.

*We also know for certain that there is a thousand year reign of Christ on earth (millenium) coming (also called the kingdom of God or Christ’s kingdom on earth), and we know when it is.
*And it seems, in my opinion, without a doubt, that the catching up (rapture) has to happen pre-wrath, some say pre-trib. So the interesting thing is that God narrows down the rapture to a very, very specific time in relation to certain other events, and He does it while still keeping the exact timing a mystery!!! Just like Him.

So let’s ponder this thought till next time: Revelation 3:3 is spectacular. Read and understand…”Remember therefore how you have received and heard. Hold fast and repent. If, therefore, you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.”
* Jesus is saying this: “If you don’t watch, you won’t know.”
* Which is also saying that: “If you do watch, you will know.”
Taking all of scripture into account, we can see that He means we will know and recognize when it is happening and not in such a way as to set a time or date. Instantaneously we will know as it is transpiring and I believe there will be a sense or knowing in a very brief way beforehand, maybe not even so as to articulate it, but in a flash.

I’ll examine these two other events in later posts.

Here is another truth: Not every generation has thought that the rapture was in their lifetime. The church at Thessolonica did because of some false teachers who came in telling them that. Paul rebuked them for not knowing the truth. He reminded them of what he had previously taught them and what they should have known. Also, anyone who has read Christian writings from the time of the New Testament till today, will notice an absence of talk and thought about last days being in their lifetime except mentioning them briefly. They rightly mention them but almost in a far distant way with not as much understanding as we have today.
Daniel was told that knowledge in the last days would increase. This is a broad statement but with close examination and knowledge of the original Hebrew we see that there is an emphasis not only on general human knowledge with technology and such, but specifically with knowledge of the family business (quoting Barry Stagner from World News Briefing). In other words, the Holy Spirit is opening up the prophecies to our understanding more today than ever because the time is very near.

The truth about the need for the church to know and understand Bible prophecy and especially Revelation is mentioned as being imperative in the Bible and not unnecessary!
*Daniel says blessed is the man who understands what is being said (Dan 12:10).
*Revelation says blessed is the man who makes it his business to read and understand all the prophecies in Revelation.
Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is he who reads, and they that hear (meaning to hear so that one understands and perceives what is said, to learn and to know “akouo”) the words of this prophecy’ and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”
*2 Tim 2:15–“Study to show yourself approved”.

God wrote Bible prophecy for us to know. He requires it.

Tomorrow: how we know there is a millenium and how we know when it is.