Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

Hey family and friends in the Lord.  I have a sweet thought to ponder today and to share if I may.  This scripture has been explained in so many ways by the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us, that is, all of our brethren who are still here, and those who have gone ahead of us who have left an impression upon our hearts concerning the Word, the Logos. “He who blasphemes the Son of God it will be forgiven him.  But he who blasphemes the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him.” Now, I am certain that we all know what this means because it is very obvious, plus, the Holy Spirit bears witness with ours, if we are His, as to the meaning of it.  It means that the one and only thing that will not be forgiven is the rejection of the indwelling presence of God, the Holy Spirit.  This is refusing to receive the gift of forgiveness of sin by the slain Lamb of God, Jesus. However, there is more to articulate here if we ponder, and today as I was reading Mark 15 it hit me like a ton of bricks and the sweetness of it is overwhelming.  Have you ever asked what God meant, that Jesus can be blasphemed but not the Holy Spirit? It is a good and high question.  Again, even though our indwelt spirits know this, it may not be easily articulated as high spiritual truth is often too much for mere words.  For instance, we know like we know that this has nothing to do with ugly, angry, faithless outbursts against God, whether we say Jesus or the Holy Spirit.  This has nothing to do with what is meant here. Well here are some clumsy, and according to Garrett, verbose, words to perhaps savor concerning the idea: Of course all blaspheming the Son of God will be forgiven us, of course!!!  Why?  Because He is God in the flesh, the second Person of the Trinity, who in His very roll as the Slain Lamb, the sacrificial Lamb of God, came in order to be blasphemed, spit upon, beaten, bruised, hated, despised of men, regarded as nothing, CRUCIFIED.  It’s why He came!  He is God, condescending Himself to receive rejection by the very object of all His affection (us), so that we might live.  Man has no greater love than this, that He would lay down His life for His friends.  Bless Him!  One coming to Christ today but slowly or hardly blasphemes Him and it is not held against him.  He is beaten by us before we believe yet it is not placed to our account.  He came to be the whipping post for all our sin and selfishness and death.  The blows to His head, the tearing out of His beard in primal hatred that is  seated so deeply in the human heart, He came to receive upon Himself, so He could give His blood to us; forgiveness, life. Now blaspheming the Holy Spirit is not forgivable because the Holy Spirit did not come to be crucified, hated, rejected, despised of men…blasphemed.  Ponder that…selah. He came to indwell the heart who has received Christ, which is forgiveness of sin.  So until sin is forgiven, the Holy Spirit cannot come to a heart.  1 Corinthians tells us plainly, though we know it spiritually, that Christ is the Spirit of God, so they are one in the same, yet in different rolls as redemption is accomplished.  The Holy Spirit is the glorified Christ…He cannot be blasphemed.  But the Holy Spirit is the Person of the Godhead, Christ Himself, the Father, Yahweh, Jehovah God, who has been sent now that the Son has ascended, returned to His throne, so that He can tabernacle in the hearts of those who will receive Christ. Before God crucified Himself to pay for our sin, the human heart was unfit for the Holy Spirit.  He dwelt among His people, even within them in a certain sense that takes into account that the Lamb was slain before time began.  But to tabernacle in the human heart, which was His plan even before creation, He had to clean the heart of man, which God has shown us is desperately wicked and without cure if we do not receive forgiveness of sin by faith in Christ. This is the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost then, to reject His indwelling.  Hebrews explains to us how once a man has been enlightened to the truth but then chooses that he does not want this gift, there is no hope for this man.  Now where there is life there is hope so this is out of our territory to know.  But God sees the heart.  This does not mean a man can be saved and then lose his salvation.  That is impossible.  Hebrews explains that as well when Paul says, “But I speak better of you brethren…” So while we may see someone who rejects Christ and delays rsvp-ing His invitation to “Come to Me”, this is not the blaspheming of the Holy Ghost.  Someone who has blasphemed the Holy Ghost has permanently and eternally rejected salvation by faith through grace. How wonderful is God!  Love y’all and pass it on if you find it worthy!