
To know and follow hard after You. Psalm 63:8.

This is what it look s like to know God and to follow HARD after Him: Rock solid assurance in Him in all things, and persecution.

Be prepared to hear things like this slung your way or slipped in very smoothly by those who may or may not even know they are slinging them… high minded, proud, self righteous, legalistic, intellectual, difficult, judgemental, and so on…

But Jesus said if you love me men will hate you and persecute you. Why would we expect anything else. They hated Him first.

Oh that this generation of believers would truly seek You instead of seeking themselves and the best version of themselves they can imagine.

There is a famine in the church today of the word of God. Few know it or care to. Instead we see man worship all around.

Have mercy Lord on Your church and open hearts to Your word I pray. In the great name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.