He is Risen!

Luke 22…Do this in Remembrance of Me…

1 Corinthians 11:23-26…Proclaim the Lord’s DEATH until He comes…

Passover (14th of Nisan) Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world.

2019, April 20th was Passover which began at sundown April 19. Tuesday is Firstfruits, the very day of the resurrection…April 23rd this year.

God’s days are from sundown to sundown.

Feast of Firstfruits (17th of Nisan) Jesus was raised from the dead. He, as our High Priest, presented Himself to the Father as our Firstfruits offering…promising the rest of the Harvest when it was all ripe and ready. This is the first resurrection when the dead in Christ will rise and be caught up with Him in the air.

The Bible tells us that the man of perdition will seek to change times and seasons.

The first church until 300 ad, kept the Passover to recognize Jesus’ death and then resurrection. We don’t see Easter in the Bible.

Something happened, and our calendars and seasons were changed and now the church does not recognize the Passover that Paul said he must keep and the first church celebrated after Jesus ascended.

God will change them back.

Jesus never said “remember My resurrection”. He said “remember My death”. Why?

It is because there is no resurrection without first His death. When celebrating His death, the resurrection automatically follows.

There is no salvation without death. There are people celebrating the resurrection who have never entered in through His death. They have come in over the wall.

We have to first be confronted with our sin and our dead nature because of our sin before we can partake of His resurrection.

Today, few acknowledge they are sinners and dead in sin, whereby remembering His death at the Passover. They just admire Jesus and run to the resurrection. But they have no part in it if they haven’t come to Him first in death because of sin. Only then does then resurrection truly belong to the person.

All men are once born. They are dead in sin. In order to know God and enter Heaven they must be born again or Spirit born. Born twice.

How can a man be born again? Jesus said that which is born of flesh is flesh. That which is born of Spirit is spirit. Only the Spirit born know God.

So how are we spirit born? We must come to Jesus in repwntance for the remission of sins. Then immediately we are Spirit born and enter Heaven forever.

The resurrection is a by product of Jesus’ death. Without His death there is no resurrection. But if there is His death in our hearts then suddenly the resurrection wells up in the heart and belongs to us.

Simple truth. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.