Ask God

The Lord woke me up around 12:00 am two nights ago and said this and told me to write it down so I would remember the next morning…

This is what He said: God will do what I ask of Him, in direct proportion to how much I do what He asks me. And what He asks me to do is found in His word.

So many wonder why God seems to not do what they ask. James tells us one reason and the rest of the word tells us another through principals, and that is what I heard from God at midnight.

“You have not because you ask not, and when you do ask you ask amiss so that you can consume it in your lust”.

So I know I should choose Gods will in everything I do and say but often choose my own way. So that means I am not doing what He asks of me and likewise, He won’t do what I asknof Him.

It all goes back to obedience. If I obey God, and that is what it means to love God with my whole heart, if I obey God…then I will find that all my prayers are answered.

If I go my own way and esteem Him in a very low way, then He won’t hear me.

The word tells us that everywhere.

Obeying God…doing what He asks… means Jesus Christ is being fully formed in me.

If Jesus Christ is formed in me in fullness then God does what I ask. Why? Because I will then only ask what He wills for me.

Good to know.