Should I go to church?

Yes! If you are a believer, you will long to go to church. Why? for fellowship, edification, serving and most importantly to worship God with other believers.

It is crucial to be in a true church. If we have been born again then we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us and He will lead us to a true church if we listen to Him.

A true church teaches the whole word of God in truth. They will preach the gospel. That is…Jesus Christ crucified, dead, buried and resurrected…all for sin.

If repentance for the remission of sins is absent in the gospel at the church we choose, then it is a false church. Its that simple. But God will lead a true believer to a true church. I didn’t say to a perfect church, but a true church.

John 7 says that if we obey God, He will teach us right doctrine; He will show us whether it is true or not.

The disobedient won’t hear.

There comes a point in the maturing of a believer when our going to church changes. At some point, God will nudge us to begin using our spiritual gifts and attend in that way. There comes a point where we are off milk and on meat, and will be out in the field so to speak; but still in contact and fellowship with the “church”…the people of God.

The Apostles and prophets, preachers, teachers were on task…not still sitting in the congregation learning.

Maybe it is teaching every week or whenever and where ever God calls. Maybe it is in visiting the sick and weary for counsel and encouragement. Maybe it is in mentoring younger, newer believers. Maybe it is in hospitality or some type of administration…on it goes.

So if we are new believers and even just young believers, we most likely should be in the congregation learning. But if we are mature, seasoned believers, we should be out…in the field…sent.

Now, this is not license to not attend church because we think we are grown up in the Lord. God will show us when it’s time to change the way we attend…and it might not be in any conventional way or in any way we have ever seen.

Paul traveled the world preaching the gospel, then sat in a prison cell to write.

What is He calling you to do? Listen hard.

In Christ Jesus today,
