The Gospel

What is the gospel?

Good news! That’s what the word “gospel “ means…good news; and it is good news indeed. But what is the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The Bible tells us. The gospel of Christ is this: Jesus Christ crucified, dead, buried and resurrected for the sins of the world. This is the one and the only gospel of Christ and it is rarely heard today in churches.

Something very close is taught but in my opinion can easily miss the mark so to speak of we aren’t careful.

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Paul says, here is the gospel, and it is the means by which we are all saved.

Here it is: Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the scriptures. He was buried and rose again the 3rd day in accordance with the scriptures.

That’s it. No more, no less. It is the simplicity of Christ. It is so easy a child can understand it and be saved.

Oh but it is corrupted by the world today and most of the Church. Jesus warned us it would be.

What is the corruption? The problem of sin is left out. We hear about His death and resurrection, wonderful! But why? Why did He have to die? How do I receive the gospel?

Paul says here and elsewhere: just believe. But what are we to believe? The whole thing…that He died for my sin. So my believing the gospel requires that I come to Him recognizing that I am a sinner in need of His death to save me.

Satan has tricked most of the church into believing that I need not repent of my sin. That is…recognize it and my need of saving.

Most teach that Jesus makes me a better me. This is just short of the gospel. He doesn’t do that. All I hear in the church really, unless it’s a true one, is how to improve myself by learning what He taught. But that is not the gospel.

I need to be born again of the Spirit by repenting of my sin and then I can and will by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me become a new creature…not a better me but a new me. Alive!

The old man is dead. The old me, is that “old man”. The new man is alive in Christ, the new man is the new me…spirit born.

A child can understand this.

This is why we see a weak and unholy church, powerless to do anything in their own lives and certainly powerless to help any other life…in any spiritual way.

“…REPENTANCE FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS should be preached to all nations beginning at Jerusalem…”(Luke 24:47).

This the the only gospel. Go preach it!