New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem is a city. It is in Heaven, in the eternal realm. It is not seen in the millennium but after the millennium. John sees a New Heaven and a New Earth, for old things have passed away. This is the end, but the beginning of all things.

From the New Earth, totally made new and redeemed, we see a new city coming down from Heaven. We even have the measurements of this city, and description of it. It is where the righteous will dwell and reign with God forever. Not all will dwell there. The ones who dwell on the new earth can travel there, but only at certain times and can only draw so near to God. They chose their lot like everyone else did.

They may have received salvation indeed and glory to God they did. But the fact that they looked to earthly things for their satisfaction and approval and help showed where their allegiance was while in the flesh.

Luke 14:10 is curious. Jesus is telling us when we are invited to a wedding ( metaphor for entering into the eternal state), that we should humbly place ourselves in the lowest place. We just might hear God say to us, friend, come up higher. Higher? Remember that New Jerusalem seems to hover above the New Earth almost as a planet but it is a city. It is near enough to be seen from the New Earth. It’s very interesting. We know this is a spiritual message because who seats themselves in a low room or high room at a wedding? It’s nonsense unless Jesus is speaking spiritual things to spiritual people. He is.

Enoch was removed and taken up to God because why? It was because he walked with God.

Elijah was received by and was gotten by God and taken UP. God’s chariot came to get him. He walked with God.

Paul was taken UP in the body maybe even, to the 3rd Heaven. Why? He walked with God.

John was caught UP In visions of Heaven, why? He walked with God.

When the Son of Man returns for His bride, she will be caught UP, and taken away with Him. Why? She walked with Him.

Jesus asked…When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth (Luke 18)?

He will. He will find His own elect. But the context of this question is when Jesus is describing the day He returns. What will He find?

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