Will Jesus Find Faith on the Earth?

This is the question our Lord asks all people in Luke 18. It’s a rhetorical question. He tells us already at the beginning of this discourse in Luke that when He returns the earth will be as it was in the days of Noah and Lot.

Then He tells us what He means by that. He says business will go on as usual. People will doing their things like they’ve always done…eating, drinking, marrying… then all of a sudden, when it is least expected, He’s here, and most will be caught unaware.

You would think, that with such warnings, people would be ready. Some will be… those who are watching and praying. They are the ones who are about His business, and not caught up in the distractions of this world. Those distractions are unprofitable Jesus says.

We know by the word that He will find faith but it will be very, very scarce, compared to earth’s population at the time. In Noah’s day it was one family. In lots day it was even less than that.

The warning is severe. So why will there be so few ready? Distractions. Unprepared. All of this will be because the church for the most part has married the world and is playing religion and does not really care to know the word of God. That’s what the prophets say.

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