Rise Up, My Love, My Fair One, And Come Away—1

Chapter 15 of Crucified, Getting the Mind of Christ

Are we in the very last moments? I believe the answer to that question is yes. How long will it be? I don’t know. But I I have a new understanding of what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us in the word. With a close look we can see something. I know that it is widely understood that Jesus said even the Son of Man new not the day nor the hour but only his Father in heaven new.

But He knows now. This is why: Jesus did lay down some of His omniscience while He was here in the flesh. At the time He said that, He did not know. But when He returned to His glory He knew… He is God; the fullness of God… He knows.

Beginning with that thought, I am going to add here something that was really all tied together for me just the day before yesterday. It is a pretty solemn and serious message and I am not writing it as doctrine, but I strongly believe that the Scriptures paint a clear picture of what I am going to say.

This book has been finished for a very long time now but because of what I believe God showed me, I am pressed to add it here at the end. It is a message that I kept coming to from the very moment I started writing this book. It was something I did not want to think about, so I barely touched on it in the book. I hint to it but really that is all.

Well… I want to just come out with it and connect all the scriptures that seem to me to tie a knot of truth that I just can’t and tie. I keep coming back to the realization that it has to be what the word is saying. I realize that it is going to sound weird for a minute. But then just look at all the Scriptures and maybe it will become evident that what I am saying is not without merit and may in fact be true.

I believe that God is sending out a very specific message today to entice and even warn the body of Christ to “awaken to righteousness”. He has given messages of righteousness to countless believers throughout every generation. Well I think this generation is different, and very special. I think we may be the raptured generation.

This book is meant to encourage fullness in Christ. I know that God gave it to me because I never would have known any of this on my own. The way the book unfolded still has me totally amazed and dazed. He unfolded it to me and I really put forth very little effort other than obeying and writing what I was shown in the word and tying scriptures together to form this message of entire sanctification.

The word says that God‘s desire for the believer is that they would become fully sanctified (spirit, soul and body). The word also teaches that entire sanctification comes through death to self rule while alive or through physical death. All saved people will be sanctified fully but some will be sanctified fully while alive in this life. This is fullness in Christ. There must be a crucifixion with Christ. Crucifixion means a death must occur; either death by letting go of my life which is self rule ( the wheat falling to the ground to die), or death by physical death.

This generation is unique in this respect: Jesus will return for his bride at the rapture and there will be three groups of people when he does. One group will be saved and sanctified (the righteous, those who did not love their lives… Self rule).

{Those who think that righteousness is automatically given to us at salvation, consider all the scriptures I have mentioned that lead us to another conclusion, and then look at these two ideas. We are told to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness… We seek his righteousness. Also, remember that righteousness is spoken of as a fruit that is produced after we have come to faith. Psalm 24 tells us that the one who walks up rightly with clean hands and a pure heart will receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Righteousness is something we pursue once we have received salvation. It is Christ fully formed in me…This is our righteousness. And He is not fully formed (we are not mature in Christ) in the newly saved believer. This has been bad theology to just call every believer righteous. Scripture does not teach that in any way whatsoever. The righteous in Christ, are the hidden with Christ in God…the Saints, the spiritual, the mature in Christ. A carnal Christian, who is any believer who has not been sanctified, is not yet righteous.

More soon!

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