Rise Up, My Love, My Fair One, And Come Away—2

Then there is a second group who will be saved and not sanctified (not in His fullness yet). The third group will be unsaved. I have reason to believe that the unsaved Gentiles who are cast into the great tribulation, have no chance of being saved at this point… It could be that their destiny is sealed by them. They are Christ rejecters and now strong delusion from God will overcome them, because they did not believe while Jesus was gathering His church… The bride. The fullness of the Gentiles will have already come in (this means that the bride of Christ has been formed in completion).

Look: Let favor be shown to the wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness… (Isaiah 26:10). Isaiah goes on to say that the wicked men will deal unjustly and even when the Lord‘s hand is lifted up against him, he will not see, and will be devoured. This is tribulation Prophecy. Isaiah is clearly speaking of the last moments of the last days. The thought begins in verse 9 where Isaiah says that when the Lord’s judgment is in the earth (the tribulation) the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness (the soon to be beheaded saints) and the nation Israel. He says that when the wicked are shown God’s favor, they still will not repent, and will not learn righteousness. They won’t see His majesty and will be devoured. Now further on in verse 20, we see God’s people (I believe these are the raptured saints hidden in Heaven while the wrath of God is released on earth) have been told to hide themselves for a bit till the indignation is past, because the Lord is about to rise and punish the earth for her iniquity. This could be Israel who will be hidden in Petra probably, but I don’t think so. I say this because we already know that the Tribulation is mostly for Israel’s refining.

I have found that prophecy is not written in perfect chronological order like we would think. We see Isaiah here and all of the prophets, writing in this way. They go back and forth from past, present and future continually; in the same way we would in a normal conversation, to fill in the blanks. It takes great effort and the Holy Spirit’s guidance to follow God’s thought laid out through the prophets.

I believe that the bride fully formed is what brings upon us the time of the rapture… The church is gathered, and it is now time to deal with the wicked, the lukewarm, and to also gather Israel. It is after the rapture of the bride of Christ that the Lord will begin to open Israel’s eyes and gather this flock… The 144,000. Remember that Jesus said that blindness in part was given to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles is come in.

This is what I see will happen based on the Word and I will get into the Scriptures after I have said what I think must happen. The dead in Christ rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51–53). They are all sanctified. There will be those in this group who died to self-rule while alive and were sanctified before physical death, and those who never were sanctified while alive but were sanctified by their physical death. “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord” (Revelation 14:13).

Sanctification requires death; either while alive or through actual death… Both accomplish it if we are saved. He that is dead is free from sin (Romans 6:7). The believer who is free from sin has entered entire sanctification. Self-rule is the cause of all sin; both the fleshly sin of the body, and the hidden sin of self rights.

In 2 Timothy 2:21, Paul says that if a man purges himself from these (meaning all iniquity… he says this in verse 19) he will be a vessel of honor, sanctified, meet (qualified) for the Master’s use, and prepared for every good work.

More coming soon…

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