…”Christ is our Passover, sacrificed for us”… “therefore, let us keep the feast…”

Some will say, but I celebrate His resurrection! That’s good. Did Jesus ever say to celebrate His resurrection? No, not by itself. There is no resurrection without a death.
Jesus only said, “do this (the Passover feast, eating His flesh and drinking His blood, with the bread and wine, in remembrance of Me… Proclaiming My death till I return” 1 Corinthians 23-26.

Easter is not in the word of God. Where the King James says “Easter” the actual word is “Pascal”…Passover.
The disciples, the first church, kept the Passover feast. They kept it on the 14th of Nisan. There was no such thing as an Easter day or season until corruption set in, and contempt for the Jews replaced the feast given by God. This was to celebrate Jesus’ entire work on the cross, and still more work to come, bringing all things to completion.
Easter is a pagan feast and season, and its presence has gotten in the way of the church recognizing the true work of Christ on the actual day…Passover.
The word of God says, “Christ is our Passover, sacrificed for us…therefore let us keep the feast…” (1 Corinthians 5:7-8).

1Corinthians 11:27 has a curious warning: anyone who does this (celebrating His death and resurrection) in an unworthy manner is guilty of His blood. That should make the reader pause at the very least…consider and know at best.

Are we to be told what holy day to celebrate? No we have freedom. Paul says not to let anyone press us to keep any day, or sabbath. Why? Because faith is not a matter of a day…Neither Passover nor a sabbath rest day. But there is a caviat to that freedom…be sure you are correct before God in what you freely decide.

How can we be sure we are correct? God’s word is the only way. That’s why we have it. Traditions of man will lead you into a ditch. Emotions and sentiment will lead you into a ditch. Such is Easter. The word of God will lead you to truth and to righteousness.

The resurrection is right there in the Passover feast, for Jesus was raised on the third day which was the 17th of Nisan, the feast of first fruits. This day is right in the center of the Passover celebration which was a week. The death and resurrection are eternally linked. God thought it so important to remember and to celebrate, that He gave us the exact days without possibility of error. The church hasn’t erred, the church has gone astray…after idols…Easter with all its masking and deception.

Jesus is our Passover, sacrificed for us…therefore let us keep the feast…

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