Bearing Fruit

Are you a believer? Are you bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God? Are you in an ever increasing place of knowing God more and more?

If your answer is yes to all then I will tell you that He most likely has you in an active and exciting Christian life, where you see Him always present, always visiting and always talking to you. If your answer is no then beware. If you aren’t a sheep then I fear for your life and existence. If you are a sheep but God is not your all in all and you are distracted by the issues of life and He is an afterthought, then I can tell you that your life is filled with fear and trouble. This is a sinful troublous Satan ruled world.

But if you are one of those double-minded believers who cares more about the issues of life, then if things don’t change, you could be headed for a place where your older years could find you plunked in pain and isolation. If you don’t learn to pursue God truly, He will set you aside in your old age and get you so you cannot do anything but listen to Him, learn of Him, find Him. He is merciful.

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