Who is Mystery Babylon?

The apostate church. That’s easy to see. The Bible gives us so many clues. But here is what I see: The harlot riding the beast in Revelation is an adulteress. She once belonged to God but doesn’t now. Or at least the portion in the professed church who have fallen after the world system ( so they never were the church) do not belong to Him.

Christmas and easter make up a complete system of Babylonian pagan worship as I mentioned in the two previous posts. Just a little study, and excellent commentary, by all the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us, takes us all the way back to the Tower of Babel where we see these two holidays practiced and worshipped.
The combination of the two or the union of the two as the main tenants of today’s Christianity, have produced offspring. She is Mystery Babylon. She is apostate. She has gone after other gods, namely the sun god at christmas and the fertility sex goddess of easter. It’s not a mystery at all.
What are we told to do as God’s people concerning the last day Mystery Babylon? Come out of her. Leave her. Depart from her. Leave the sexual immorality and the idol worship that caused it behind.
Oh that the true church would see the wickedness that the apostate church has been steeped in for so long and thought it fine with God. Lord open our eyes to worship You alone in purity of heart.


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