The Circle of Life has worked its way into the church

But it’s a Buddhist term. There is no circle of life other than in pagan beliefs. No. Life is linear. Life is going somewhere to borrow from Chuck Missler. We have a beginning and an end on this earth, in this dimension where we now dwell, in these bodies that are perishing day by day, and in this world we know that is fallen and destined to be made new, if we come to Jesus, but destined for destruction if we don’t.

Missler points out that the physics of the universe prove to us that things are concluding. Constants like the speed of light, which evolutionists once believed was a constant, we now know for certain, are slowing down…measurably slowing down. Search it yourself.

The term circle of life was invented by Satan to put into the minds of people to direct their thinking away from God. It leads people who won’t think deeply to believe that life is just a cycle. You live, you die, you live again and die again and on and on it goes. The only reason for this belief is to hide the truth from people that their sin nature has placed them on a linear path to destruction that is constantly progressing toward an end. The only way to be saved from this path of death is to repent of sin and be saved by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, who has paid your debt already and has offered every person ever born eternal life, if they will accept it.

If a person refuses to acknowledge their sin and ultimate doom which is advancing rapidly, they will not come to Jesus, into the light. They remain in darkness. Satan has succeeded in deceiving them. Only God haters will stay here. People hate God for one reason. There are no excuses. There is not more than one reason. People refuse salvation through Jesus Christ’s atonement ( look that up if you don’t know what it means, it’ll be healthy for you to search it) because they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. Period.

So Christian, please don’t use the term circle of life. There is no reincarnation. The earth is concluding. Time is winding down. We are on God’s time table. He decides but has warned us. His word tells us what to look for when the time is ending. We see it all around. It’s there to know if there is anything at all in a heart that is inclined toward God.

Time and life are linear. Things are slowing and winding down. Know the signs of the times like Jesus said. Make haste. Today is the day of your salvation if you don’t know Him. Come to the Son while there is light. Darkness is advancing upon this wicked world that grows more wicked each day as time concludes and eternity advances. Where will you spend eternity is the question. There is no circle. That’s a lie. Consider it today, not tomorrow.

In Jesus precious name,


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