Age of Accountability

Is there such a concept in the Bible? I’d say, no there isn’t. Can we prove it? Yes. Think on this: If there were such a thing, the Lord wouldn’t hint at it but plainly state it. He has not. But what I believe He has done is placed the answer in plain site for searchers.

Hitler was a baby. He was a precious baby like any other. God knew that Hitler would do what he did. He is omniscient. He knows everything. He sees the end already because He is outside of time. That isn’t the main reason He sees everything but it helps our minds to begin to understand His omniscience, which only He has. God knows the end because He cannot learn. He is the Creator and knows all things. It’s too high for us to really grasp this, but we can see that He does because of His Word. It predicts the future perfectly. It’s perfect and all knowing…Jesus is the Word.

So He knew Hitler was the evil man he was. If there is an age of accountability, then why wouldn’t God take him home before he reached that age and was lost? He longs that none would perish but that all would come to the saving knowledge of God in Christ Jesus.

Also, we see that Noah’s flood killed every child on earth. They were all corrupt. Now with a close look, there is very, very strong evidence that all flesh had been corrupted by fallen angels and their offspring the Nephilim, the Rephaim. They all were unredeemable, so God killed every single one but the 8 in Noah’s family. If there were such a thing as an age of accountability, then certainly all children under that age at the time of the flood would not be accountable yet. We just don’t see an age of accountability in the Bible in mention, pattern, inference or anything. You can argue that a Nephilim is unredeemabe whether child or grown, but the point remains.

We also see that when the faithful in the church are raptured, there is, in my opinion, the lukewarm part who remain on earth till they are killed by the Beast from the earth…the false prophet…because they refused to worship the image of the Beast, antichrist. The Bible would tell us if there were no children in this group. Revelation says that the false prophet causes all who were not written in the Lamb’s book of life, do worship the image…small and great, rich and poor. The inference here is, all people who were not written in the Lamb’s book are lost and take the mark of the Beast. The same word here for small is also used in Matthew 18:6 in reference to children. We cannot say conclusively that here in Revelation, the small are not children…they could be. We have no mention of no young children being present because I would say that they are.

God knew Esau in the womb. He knew he was lost. There was no age of accountability for Esau. There was no age of accountability for Hitler. God knows if a soul will be born again or not had they lived longer. Some children who die are saved and some are not. Romans tells us not to inquire into this subject because it is none of our business which vessels are made for destruction. God does not make a soul with the intention of destrpying it…that is Calvanism at its worst. No, it is simply a sucinct way for God to say that some who are created will be twice born and some won’t. It is entirely their choice. The ones who won’t are vessels made for destruction. It is a manner of speaking. We know this because the Bible has already set that precedent all through. God longs that NONE would persish, but that ALL would come to the knowledge of Him in Jesus. He jsut knows that they won’t…He calls them vessels fit for destruction.

There are many more references. The main verse used for the accountability concept is that David knew his baby would be in heaven. David was a prophet and more than that, a priest after the same order all believers are priests. God told him. That’s how David knew. We need to be much more careful with the Word, and more investigative too. We’ve missed a lot.

The thing is that all false doctrines delute the gospel. This one does as well. They do it by loosening God’s standards to use man’s instead and they call it merciful. But it isn’t merciful at all. It shows a refusal to yeild to God’s holiness and perfection.

God knows who are His. He doesn’t need to wait for a certain age. This is a manmade doctrine that, I’m sorry, does not love God more than child, mother, father, even one’s own life.

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