Are We Being Judged By God?

Yes. I Believe this pandemic is judgement. I believe in God’s mercy it is a warning. In the USA, we cannot turn on the TV without every single major company advertising their product using homosexual couples. This country is inundated with it. The schools are indoctrinating innocent children to think of and agree with homosexuality and transvestitism. The mainline churches have endorsed it.
This is such an abomination, and even the voices of the most godly leaders are silent. If they are not silent they are mostly silent.

Isaiah warned of such a day. He saw that the world in the last day would be totally corrupt. It is today. We have hit bottom. In chapter 56, we see God calling His own watchmen, “dumb dogs who won’t bark”. He says the prophets are so light that they refuse to see the trouble coming and actually tell the sheep to not worry because everything is fine. They say today is plenty and tomorrow will be plenty. They say it in the midst of the rising tide of trouble.

Then we see the prophet say that the righteous vanish and no one notices. He repeats, the righteous are taken away from the trouble to come and no one even sees.

Here we are. The pandemic is all over the world. We have been in our homes for nearly 2 months, there is no commerce or very little. And still, no one will bark. I will turn on my TV today and homosexual couples will fill the TV all day long. Innocent children will wee it and not miss it. We have given Satan access to our babies.
He is killing them before they are born because we have turned away from God. And those who are born are corrupted immediately with the images and talk of what God calls an abomination.

The church sleeps. It is afraid to warn. It is too invested in the world system. It’s very survival depends upon it. It does not depend on God.
Father give me a voice and allow me to declare Your truth today. Open hearts and minds to hear. Deliver Your remnant today. Let righteousness reign supreme. Be glorified in Your people today Lord.


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