Bearing Good Fruit

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. Did you know that? It’s true. It is an established fact.

A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Did you know that? It’s true… also an established fact.

Paul elaborated what Jesus said to us. In Romans, Paul says that an unrighteous person will bear fruit unto death. That is…bad fruit. A person who is not saved , or even, not sanctified, follows earthy ways. These are ways of the old man. They are compromising ways. They are ways that skirt the law, that skirt perfect ways. They are bad fruit. God will not honor them and they are ways of death.

A righteous person will only bear good fruit. In other words, righteous fruit…all godliness. This person is saved and sanctified. Not only do they bear good fruit but they absolutely are unable to bear bad fruit. They are not able to commit ways of unrighteousness. They only commit ways of righteousness. John elaborates on this truth. He says a man who has the seed of Christ in him cannot sin…bear fruit of unrighteousness, death. God won’t permit it. Not for long.

Sin unto death will happen. God won’t allow it.

But a sanctified person, a good tree, wants only to bear good fruit…fruit of righteousness. They are totally adverse to even the slightest unrighteousness. They only do what Christ does.

What is the result? Good fruit. Also…extreme persecution at every turn. This person is constantly having to put their foot down on the side of right and everything on this earth is against right. If it is not for Jesus, it is against Him. And Jesus is never, ever, ever for unrighteousness…even in the tiniest degree.

We can look at a life to see. What surrounds them? Is it life, joy, peace, right-doing, right- thinking? Right thinking is in strict compliance with God’s word. This person then is a good fruit bearer.

Is it confusion, misery, griping, criticism, meanness, compromise, rudeness, selfishness, anger, discontent? This is all bad fruit. It is fruit unto death, or the fruit of death. They are corrupt. They do not prefer righteousness. They are striving and frustrated. They are thankless and joyless. They are unkind, mean, trouble-makers. They can only produce bad, rotten fruit. Nothing works for them.

A tree is known by its fruit. What are you? What do you want to be? Doesn’t everyone want to produce fruit into righteousness? Then follow Him. Don’t go your own way. It’s the hard way. Trouble will come against you, but He is there to help. Do you want peace? Follow righteousness. Righteousness and Peace have kissed.

In the Lord Jesus’ Name,


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