Communion makes us accountable

As believers we share communion. We share bread and the cup, representing the body and the blood of Christ, showing our belonging to the body of Christ, and declaring His death till He returns, done in remembrance of Him.

We are warned not to take communion in an unworthy manner. We are also warned to be discerning as we do this.

God doesn’t elaborate, knowing that believers will be discerning…or at least that they are able and aware. In other words, the Spirit of God within a believer will cause us to know what and how, by knowing His word concerning this.

Non believers should not take communion. Until there is a New birth in Christ, there is no reason to partake of the body of Christ because we do not belong to Him yet.

The instruction concludes with this: some of you are weak, sick and even sleep because you have not taken communion in a worthy manner. Unconfessed, known sin is the major reason. Not belonging to the body because we have never repented of sin and been born again is another reason. Not declaring His death and being thankful and mindful of His sacrifice for our sin is another.

Let us then come together as believers, joyfully sharing His body and blood, and declaring His death till He returns; mindful of all the things He said. This is a tool also to keep a believer. Jesus is the keeper of the sheep. If we come together regularly sharing communion, doing it in the right way, won’t we get in the habit of keeping ourselves? I think so. We don’t want to be weak or sick or die even because we have not taken communion in a worthy manner…so we examine or hearts, our ways. We are reminded of our glorious calling and election in Him. We are thankful that we are worthy to share communion.

So let communion be a means by which He keeps you. He is faithful. Be diligent to be found worthy each week when you gather with believers and share communion. What a blessing this is.


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