Do Not Grow Weary in Well-Doing

To the weary believer,
 I’m sitting here praying this morning to start my day and just want to share with you some sweet thoughts about God and His ways.
I have lived long enough now in the Lord to really begin to see this principal come to fruition in my life.  We really do reap what we sow.  But that’s not the main principal or promise I was thinking about.  It’s this one: “Do not grow weary in well doing, for in time you will reap a harvest if you do not faint”.  Galatians 6:9
This is so true.  Reaping is both instant and long time coming.  I’ve seen both.  I still wait for some.  But I wanted to encourage you both in this.  It really focuses the heart on today and the choices I make in living.  Do I sow today something that will bring the harvest I desire down the road, or do I sow today in such a way that will bring a harvest I don’t want down the road?  It’s our choice.
The sweet thought in my heart today is that I have the liberty to sow today to the spirit and walk in righteousness and in the center of Gods will.  This determines what my harvest will be every day in the future.  Life happens along the way with ups and downs that all work for Gods glory and my good but when it’s all sifted out, it’s all gold that’s left if we sow to the Spirit in righteousness.  Persevering always.  Never giving up.  Storing up treasures in heaven not on earth.  One day the harvest is coming if we faint not.
In Christ